GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 2 years ago
received a $27 tenth payment.
"Being a widow, I lack the necessary support to provide for my six children. Sometimes, hardships weigh so much on me that I fail to fulfill others. As we speak, I have not been able to enroll my child who recently graduated elementary school into high school; I do not have the funds. Other than wanting to send my child to school, I also want to build a house for my children. Ever since my husband passed away, we have been sharing the space that was built for my co-wife and her children. I wish to own a two-room house, made of mud walls and a tin roof. I would be happy if the rains persisted so that I can cultivate food crops and spend every penny I earn on the house project. "
View Sidi's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 tenth payment.
"Since I lack a stable income stream, I believe livestock rearing is a great opportunity to obtain enough wealth that will help during financial emergencies. I particularly wish to focus on goat keeping because they can survive the harsh climatic conditions of my region. By the end of the year, I wish to have grown my current herd of seven to seventeen goats. "
View Charo's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 tenth payment.
"What I wish for is for my four children to study up to their desired level of education. However, since I lack a reliable source of income, am worried that if I do not establish an investment out of the transfer, I may not be able to finance their education. Through future cash transfers, I wish to acquire goats and chickens. Am confident that as these animals breed and increase in number, so as my wealth increases. In the future, I can sell them to support my children. "
View Dzende's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 tenth payment.
"Right now, my mind is on enrolling my two children in high school. Having them at home while their siblings attend school breaks my heart; I wish I had the financial capacity to send them to school immediately. Though I rarely get an opportunity to save the cash transfers, I hope to be able to set aside an amount that will help with the admission. After that, I plan on building a better house for my family. Ever since the main house collapsed, we have been occupying the kitchen structure, which is tiny for the entire family. I wish to build a more spacious shelter with two rooms, made of mud walls and an iron sheet roof. "
View Thabu's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 tenth payment.
"My desire would have been to start and run a fast-moving goods business in my village. However, operating the business in my locality is a challenge as there is little demand for fast-moving goods, which would make me run into losses. Instead, I want to start keeping livestock, especially goats. Since they can survive the harsh weather, the goats may reproduce and survive longer, thus giving me a chance to sell them for money. "
View Mwenda's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 fourteenth payment.
"I cannot thank Gve Directly enough for enabling me to own a goat through cash transfers. Am sure that when these animals reproduce and increased the flock, I could easily sell them to support the need of my family. For this reason, I wish to continue acquiring more goats in the future to grow my wealth. Apart from that, I want to start saving part of my cash transfer through a self-help group. I hope that these savings will prove useful in paying school fees for my son in the future as well as providing food. "
View Bendera's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 fourteenth payment.
"I wish to construct a new house for my family. My current shelter is roofed by polythene paper, something that embarrasses me. I need to build a more decent two-room house with mud walls and a tine roof. For this to be successful sooner, I pray for the rains to come and support food crop production. This will allow my wife and me to save enough from the cash transfers to build the new structure. After the house is done, I plan to enroll in driving school. Regardless of my advanced age, I have always been passionate about driving and I believe the skills could earn me a better job to support my family. "
View Katana's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 tenth payment.
"My husband and I have been talking about building a more decent house for our family given the poor condition of the current one. Whenever it rains, water leaks through the roof which dampens our sleeping space. I recently had to move some household items to my in-law’s house as I feared the dampness would damage them. I have already started saving for the construction of the new house. I purpose to buy at least 20 pieces of iron sheets first, then acquire building poles and nails. After that, I will hire someone to complete the task"
View Kadzo's
almost 2 years ago
received a $233 fourth payment.
"We are blessed that this unique organisation came through for us. I want to encourage them to stay focused on carrying out their duty and remain committed to their work as one of the best organisations so far in the republic of Liberia."
View Jestina's
almost 2 years ago
received a $405 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well by coming to my village to alleviate poverty. This was truly achievable by offering me unconditional cash transfers. This cash has had a positive impact on my life since I now have assets like houses, which could take years for me to own using my cash. Therefore, I do not see anything that GiveDirectly did wrong that needs to be changed."
View Haraka's