GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"GiveDirectly's programs were fair and transparent; from the moment they entered our community, we were all treated well, and they made certain that they visited every household and ascertained the true situation on the ground. GiveDirectly's assistance raised our standard of living by transforming our lives. They helped and empowered our community while not discriminating against anyone. I didn't point out any flaws or things that weren't done with the utmost integrity."
View Emily's
2 years ago
received a $440 second payment.
"To me, GiveDirectly is impeccable! They have changed not just my life but also the lives of others and their families, as I have witnessed. All I could ask was for them to continue doing this for many years to come and to attempt to include as many deserving individuals as they can."
View Kalume's
2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"All I would want of GiveDirectly is that they continue to affect and transform people's lives in the same way that they did for myself and those that benefited around me. Increased transfers would be considerably more beneficial because receivers can accomplish much more with more money."
View Kaloleni's
2 years ago
received a $440 second payment.
"I appreciate that GiveDirectly chose to provide cash assistance so that everyone may find the best possible solution to their financial issues. This was equally significant because everyone has various concerns, and each person was able to address their issues in the order of importance. The flexibility in using the money offered us a chance to advance."
View Kahunda's
2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"After using the second transfer, I came up with a target that I wanted to hit. Because goats can resist the hard climatic conditions of our region, livestock farming has always been a goal of mine. In addition to withstanding drought, they are also inexpensive to buy, maintain, and convert to monetary worth because of their quick markets."
View Kahaso's
2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"After utilizing the first transfer, my house collapsed halfway after a tree fall on it. It was a tough time for me but I am glad through the second transfer I was able to construct a two-room mud-walled house. I bought 14 pieces of iron sheets for $151 and building poles and rafters for $100. The contractor's cost was $100. Currently, I am settled since I have a nice and secure house, thanks to GiveDirectly. I also bought two sacks of maize for $69. I opted for this to ensure there is food security at home for my family of eight bearing in mind that we were going through a drought season. Since my six children are still students, I paid $30 examination fees at their elementary school. Since life is full of ups and downs, I decided to save the remaining amount for emergencies."
View Kafazi's
2 years ago
received a $440 second payment.
"I intend to outfit my grocery store. The business isn't particularly steady right now, but I want to buy more inventory so that retailers will be able to buy from me. The objective is to act as both the village's and adjacent communities' main source for all small groceries. I'm hoping I can accomplish this utilizing the savings from my business."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"I don't currently have any plans because I don't have a source of money. I've learned to prepare for things I already have. I created this culture to reduce expectations that can cause frustration if the strategy doesn't work out. I'll make plans for what I'll do with the money once I receive it based on that."
View Jumwa's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"Getting some food was not an easy thing since the charcoal-burning source of income I relied on was unreliable. We used to get at most a single meal per day that was the evening meal alone. The situation was tough. Getting this transfer made my life better. My children who used to stay for a whole day without taking meals are now happy getting three meals a day. Apart from that I am happy because I was able to settle the school fees issue for my children. Currently, they are happy and settled in school conducting their studies."
View Pauline's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"I spent most of my recent to support the education of our 6 children who are still in school both at primary, secondary and college levels. I spent $350 to pay part of the fee arrears for them. Previously, they had to miss classes due to huge fee balances something that was bothering my mind. Currently, I am happy that they are learning without any challenge something that relieved stress. In addition, I used the remaining amount to purchase enough food for the family since it had been over 3 years since we harvested sufficient food from our farm because of the climate change resulting in drought and famine."
View Sidi's