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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $428 second payment.
"I intend to concentrate more on farming to make sure that my family is sorted food-wise. With a great supply of foodstuff, other basic needs will be easy to manage. I also would like to start my own business of buying and selling livestock."
View Daniel's
2 years ago
received a $443 initial payment.
"I had already planned how to spend the money before receiving it. I aimed to invest in livestock specifically cows. This idea came after seeing a neighbor who prospered in livestock farming. When I withdrew the money, I bought two cows for $330. As the investment slogan states, "think big, start small, start now", I opted to start the livestock journey with the two cows. Thereafter, I kept $150 for my daughter's college fees. For the remaining amount, I opted to construct a small house for my grandson who lives with me. As of now, I am very happy to see the achievement I accomplished. Starting an investment and paying college fees for my daughter is something that has given me great peace of mind."
View Jumwa's
2 years ago
received a $443 initial payment.
"I had gone to the shopping center to pick up my phone where it was charging when I heard people talking about the first transfer. Since my phone had been off the whole day, I was worried about missing out on the transfer. Upon picking it up, I switched it on while in low esteem. In less than a minute a message popped in. I rushed to my helper to check if I had also received the transfer. Upon checking, he confirmed that I had also received the transfer from GiveDirectly. My heart was filled with joy and thanksgiving for being successful in the GiveDirectly enrolment knowing that my plans were going to work out."
View Tabu's
2 years ago
received a $428 second payment.
"In my opinion, what Give Directly does so well is the fact that they give out unconditional transfers, different people have different needs and therefore it would be of no importance if the transfers had any restrictions on the spending patterns.
Another thing that is done perfectly is the fact that the transfers are given in lump sum amounts and this helps in planning purposes in terms of the developments that the recipients would wish to engage in at a personal level. Unlike other projects where it is given in small amounts.
To avoid household conflict, what needs to be done differently is enrolling all the individuals in the household. During enrollment, those individuals who did not have responsibilities by then were left out of the program yet these are the same people who steal from their old and vulnerable parents.
Another thing that needs to be done differently is enrolling all the communities in a specific village for uniformity purposes and this will prevent too many complaints coming from the communities that are left out during the registration to the programs"
View Joel's
2 years ago
received a $443 initial payment.
"On the day that I received GiveDirectly transfers, I felt very happy like I have never felt before. It was a day like no other. I thought of the things that I had always wanted to accomplish and the way finances had always hindered me from accomplishing them and this made me extremely happy. Finally I was going to b abke to buy a bed and mattress for my children, purchase a solar panel that will help light my house and do much more things that would empower me and my family for good."
View Racheal's
2 years ago
received a $443 initial payment.
"The receipt of my transfer from GiveDirectly was the best thing that ever happened to me. I remember being at home, busy with housework when I heard my phone ring. When I looked into what the message meant, I discovered that I had received money from GiveDirectly. I was overcome with joy because I knew I would soon be able to achieve my objectives."
View Naomi's
2 years ago
received a $443 initial payment.
"I received my first transfer of $550 at around 4:00 pm that day. I remember very well that I was alone that day and I could not share the news with anyone just as a safety precaution. I said a prayer to God for blessing me with the money and I later informed my husband that GiveDirectly had made good their promise of sending us the money as earlier promised. The thought of receiving such huge amount of money and the things that I was finally going to accomplish made me very excited."
View Loyce's
2 years ago
received a $443 initial payment.
"I used 250 to buy cement and other building materials.150 to pay school fees and the remaining amount to buy food for the family. I am a mother of 5 and my husband works as a carpenter"
View Priscilla's
2 years ago
received a $443 initial payment.
"I felt so much happy the moment I received money from GiveDirectly. This was because I had a lot lined up that I needed to do but I did not have enough money to accomplish this. I was with a close friend of mine at the time that I received money from GiveDirectly and he was quick to realize that there was some money in his account and he even asked me if I had received mine. I quickly checked and confirmed that I had indeed received a sum of $550 from GiveDirectly. I called my husband who was not there with me and he was equally so much happy to hear this news."
View Alice's
2 years ago
received a $443 initial payment.
"I got to learn that I had received the sum of money from GiveDirectly at around 3:00 pm that day. This was after I heard my phone ring and upon checking, I was met with a pleasant message confirming that I had indeed received a sum of $550 as earlier promised by GiveDirectly officers. I felt so much happy that I was finally going to be able to boost my shop keeping business and which will in turn improve the living standards of my family once I make more profits from it. I called my husband who was out to look for work that would help us meet the need of our family. He was so elated and could not wait to come home and make plans with me on how to spend the money."
View Claris's