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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Jane's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jane received a $162 initial payment.
"I recently lost my dear husband, who passed away last year in May. We had a tough time before his passing because he was in so much pain due to heart-related complications. I'm a mother to seven children. We were forced to sell most of our property to raise money to cater to his medical bill. This left us in abject poverty. The promise that I would receive a cash transfer, which is unconditional, gave me hope of improved living standards. Seeing that it was a drought period, I was elated that I'd buy sufficient foodstuff. I spent $110 on foodstuff which included a bag of maize. Second, I used $20 for the construction of a pit latrine. Lastly, I spent $15 on medication for my daughter's fractured leg. I'm happy to have received the financial support that made life bearable."
Manyu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Manyu enrolled.
"Living alone with the grand children 3 years now since my two wives died. One died of malaria after being so ill for one year and my daughter used to pay the medical bill. The second wife stayed with for 2 years and she stranged herself. After she was so annoyed because shevwas adviced not to drink to much. I get General body pain and urine passes so often now 3 years. My eyes don't see so well for 2 years.i received treatment from Bushika Arlington hospital by my daughter one year ago but no improvement ."
Busiku's family
access_time 2 years ago
Busiku enrolled.
"Currently, our main challenge is poverty where by we do not have enough money to make our lives better for example constructing a bigger house. Our house is really small and it's so uncomfortable since we end up sharing it with our chicken birds and the calf in the back room. Also another challenge is the fast flowing water especially in the rainy season where water comes from up hill, and carries large sums of mud. This destroys the crops that we plant and this ends up leaving us with less food. When it comes to such month the like January where its dry, there is scarcity of food so it becomes hard to get full meals and we end up surviving on only one meal a day."
Namboka's family
access_time 2 years ago
Namboka enrolled.
"The current challenge that we are facing right now are loans that we acquired in sending our daughter Namaye to Lugazi Nursing School to pursue her Diploma in nursing. Even right now my husband does not have his Natuonal ID simply because he took it to the money lenders to give him money that he can use as tuition for our daughter. We would wish her to finish up her study programme but her tuition is alot and so draining. She is required to pay $638 each semester for four semesters. We even had to sell our land in 2019 so that we can send her to start off the course. Now we have to repay the loans which put us on alot of pressure from the money lenders."
Chesire's family
access_time 2 years ago
Chesire enrolled.
"I now live with my wife. We're very old and cannot sustain ourselves well. I work as watchman at the local primary school. Paid $40 quarterly and sometimes may not get pay. This affects our life since I cannot buy food. My wife cannot work at all. During such difficult times, we depend on our youngest son for sustainance."
Elizabeth's family
access_time 2 years ago
Elizabeth enrolled.
"The last time that we had good rains was 2 years ago. There has been prolonged drought in this village. It's been very difficult getting pasture for our livestock. I have 5 cows and 10 goats. To feed my livestock, there are specific kind of trees we cut for them. These trees are scarce and no one will allow you to cut from his/her land. Last year I lost 2 cows. I am worried about the remaining livestock. This has affected my life, since their value is low when underfed. I cannot sell them at a good price. The livestock also lack good drinking water."
Purity's family
access_time 2 years ago
Purity enrolled.
"I was displaced by the banditry that happen in the Mochongoi area sometime in 2020, so we moved to this new area because of the insecurity. I am a mother of 2 boys and they depend on me solely to fend for them since I separated from my husband in 2018. I am completely hapless and misery stricken. Life is hard for me. Lately, there is a serious scarcity of water in this place, I am forced to go long distances about 5 Km away to fetch water otherwise I am forced to buy at $0.40 which is high and sometimes unaffordable."
Michael's family
access_time 2 years ago
Michael enrolled.
"I'm faced with many challenges at the moment one of the most pressing challenge is the lack of food. Since 2020 we have not had enough rains in our county which has made us have low productivity in the farms. I don't have food for my family for three full meals which makes life very difficult for me. I also have a disabled son who depends. Owing to the fact that we don't get any assistance from the government this has been a great challenge for me and my wife. I have three children who are in secondary school and because I don't have a discent job, I lack money to pay for their tuition. My children have been chased from school due to school fees and this has greatly affected me psychologically, sometimes I feel so stressed."
Susan's family
access_time 2 years ago
Susan enrolled.
"This village of ours as you can see is very dry, it has been three years since we got enough rains. As a result, there is a water shortage and no crops can be planted. I last planted crops three years ago. There are irrigation plots in our village, but they require hiring, and I don't have any money for that. I sometimes go without meals because I only occasionally make $3 in casual labor, which is insufficient to pay for food for both my mother and me. I feel bad for having to go without food because I don't have anything to prepare. Since I need money for food and there is occasional casual work for me to do, I am faced with a challenge that I cannot overcome.."
Julia's family
access_time 2 years ago
Julia enrolled.
"As they say water is life but the story here is different. We do not have water for use because of lack of rains for the past three years. This has forced us to buy drinking and water for use thirty kilometers away. I spend two hundred shillings after every two weeks which I find expensive as I rely on casual jobs to earn a living."