GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Jackson's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Jackson received a $231 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is the peace of mind that I have now from the day I started receiving this cash."
Viola's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Viola received a $231 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that my children are now in school uniforms like their colleagues and they are no longer put outside of school because of tuition."
Mathews's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Mathews received a $450 second payment.
"I was eager to restart a poultry project that I had put on hold a year earlier after losing all of my brood to the flu when I got my second transfer. I invested $100 in renovating the chicken coop and making sure I put back all the equipment required for a hygienic feeding area. Initially, I raised layers because I wanted to profit from the sale of eggs as well as the sale of chickens when they were fully grown. However, with this initiative, I have introduced an enhanced breed that lays eggs and whose flesh is still in high demand. I bought 30 chicks for a reasonable $150 because I bought them locally. It has been difficult to provide them with a healthy environment throughout their early development; therefore, I am happy that they have been growing so quickly. I used some of the money that was left over to purchase the feeds, and I presently have $100 in savings set aside as an emergency fund in case I decide to increase the feeds."
Esther's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Esther received a $435 second payment.
"GiveDirectly does excellent job both in our community and in the villages nearby where they are currently active. Everyone praises the officers, who are always happy to go over every detail of the project with us and ensure that we will receive the transfer they encourage us to use whatever we see fit. This has made it possible for many people to purchase cattle, build new homes, and ensure that there is always food available in their homes. Prior to enrollment, everything is described in detail, and other communities should follow suit because it gives participants in the program trust."
Nelly's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Nelly received a $435 second payment.
"When I received the second transfer, my first priority was to spend some of it on buying trees in order to build a new house for my family of eight. We are currently living in a small house with a separate kitchen that needs to be renovated as well since its roof is made of grass. On trees, I spent $200 and later paid $120 on the cost of cutting into timber. I am relieved that all of the preparations are finished, and I am looking forward to my husband's return from work after the December holidays, when we will start the construction process. I had already identified the contractor, agreed on the construction cost, and double-checked all of the materials needed to complete the project. I had already decided on the builder, agreed on the price, and double-checked that I had all the materials needed to finish the project. After getting my spouse's approval, I also used the remaining $200 to purchase a heifer. We had been buying at least two liters of milk every day for the entire time, and on days when we were all at home, we would spend more than $3 on milk. This has been very costly, and purchasing a heifer gave us hope that when it gives birth in the future, we will have a plentiful supply of milk. Despite the fact that the majority of my husband's income goes toward paying the school expenses for our six children, I have had to rely on the casual work that involves helping out on other people's farms and his support."
Mercy's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Mercy received a $435 second payment.
"GiveDirectly's in-house enrollment allowed each household to make an independent decision about participating in the project and, later, the best way to spend the received transfers. Unlike previous organizations, GiveDirectly's approach was unique in that it ensured fairness by giving everyone a chance and then sending us an equal amount of money. We were encouraged and advised on the risks that the fraudsters might pose, which reduced theft among the beneficiaries. I am grateful for the assistance and the clear enrollment process that helped us understand the entire project and the source of the funding that we were receiving."
Paul's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Paul received a $435 second payment.
"I have a son in college, a daughter in secondary school, and my youngest daughter is currently in primary school. It has been difficult for my spouse and me to pay their school fees on time while also ensuring the continuous provision of other basic household needs. I was grateful when I received the first and second transfers, which relieved me of a significant burden after settling most bills and provided me with a bit of relief from the routine casual labor I had been doing on construction sites. I used $350 of the second transfer to pay for my daughter's and son's tuition, who are in secondary school and college, respectively. This gave them plenty of time to study for their exams and attend all of their classes without being sent home. I also spent $80 on two goats that I intend to breed and sell the offspring to meet future household and school needs for my children. In addition, I spent the remaining funds on groceries that my family of five continues to consume."
Fedrick's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Fedrick received a $231 initial payment.
""I planned to buy a parcel of land in Toe Town. I engaged the land, but never had money to buy it. However, the transfer is still on my phone, and hoping to withdraw it tomorrow. Once the land is paid for, I will start to build my shop"."
Pourline's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Pourline received a $244 second payment.
""I'm very happy for GD and I hope they keep up the good work. I never had money to pay my children school fees and to buy a piece of land. However, GD made it possible for my kids to be in school and pretty soon we will have a property in Zwedru. Others want this same opportunity, so GD can do the same for them. They will also be happy, and their lives will be improved as well"."
Malkia's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Malkia received a $435 second payment.
"GiveDirectly generosity is immeasurable and I'm so grateful that they are focussed in uplifting our livelihoods."