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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Hadija's family
access_time 10 months ago
Hadija received a fourteenth payment.
"Owning livestock has been a long-held dream of mine, but the constraints of school fees prevented me from realizing it until now. With high school behind me, I've begun fulfilling this dream by investing in goats and chickens. Looking ahead to next year and beyond, I aim to expand my livestock holdings by purchasing at least five cows. With these cattle, I can sell them for approximately $300 per bull, helping to fund my college education. In the long term, I aspire to attend a community health college. I was inspired to take this path by the success stories of peers from my village who have excelled in this field."
Sabera's family
access_time 10 months ago
Sabera received a twenty-second payment.
"I've always had a desire to start poultry farming by raising chickens. While I had planned to begin this venture earlier this year, I was discouraged by the outbreak of coccidiosis disease in my neighborhood, which wiped out all the poultry. I intend to take a few months off before starting this venture to prevent a recurrence of this disease. I believe poultry farming offers a lucrative opportunity. Besides, with the availability of maize produce, the chicken will always have feeds. This business will provide me with various benefits. I can sell the chickens to pay for my three children's school fees or to cover other essential expenses, supporting my husband in the process."
Riziki's family
access_time 10 months ago
Riziki received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"To establish a stable income source for my growing family, consisting of my wife and child, I aim to use the cash transfers to realize my dream of constructing rental properties. My plan revolves around livestock keeping and building rental spaces. With around ten goats, I can sell them for around $100 each, gradually accumulating funds to purchase land at the market center to build the rental house This rental space will serve as a crucial income source for my family, even beyond the duration of the cash transfers. I'm grateful for the progress I've already made, having acquired six goats this far."
Aisha's family
access_time 10 months ago
Aisha received a fourteenth payment.
"I used to run a small vegetable selling business in the village last year, but I had to close it when I became expectant and needed to move to town for better healthcare. Unfortunately, shortly after their birth, my twins did not make it. The loss has made it hard for me to return to the village promptly, but I plan to go back to revive the vegetable business in the coming months. The profits from this venture will not only enable me to contribute actively to our needs and support my husband but also save up for enrollment in an Early Childhood Development course. Ever since I completed high school in 2022, I've harbored a dream of becoming a teacher. I aspire to have a stable teaching job to provide for our growing family in the future."
Mwenda's family
access_time 10 months ago
Mwenda received a $26 eighteenth payment.
"Nothing worries me more than the lack of a stable income, especially with my son, Abdalla, still in school. Ensuring he receives a good education by covering his school fees is my top priority. Despite my husband's and my limitations in taking physically demanding jobs due to our advancing age, I see livestock ownership as the best way to generate wealth and secure my son's education. Even if the cash transfers were to end, I wouldn't be concerned. I'm already planning to invest in goats and have begun saving towards this goal."
Alice's family
access_time 10 months ago
Alice received a twenty-second payment.
"Looking ahead, by the end of the year, I aim to expand my tailoring business further by investing in more equipment and materials, estimating a cost of at least $500. This expansion will not only ease financial strain in our household but also enable me to play a more active role in supporting my husband. It will also lay a foundation for providing for our growing family in the future, especially once the cash transfers cease."
Mwakamusha's family
access_time 10 months ago
Mwakamusha received a $26 fourteenth payment.
"My ultimate goal is to own rental houses in one of our trade centers. I believe this will provide a steady and guaranteed monthly income, relieving any worries about meeting basic needs or supporting my siblings' education. To kickstart this plan, I intend to start with cattle rearing. I have already leveraged the cash transfers to buy three goats already. I aim to let them multiply and expand the herd, ultimately selling them to raise a substantial sum of at least $1000 to purchase the land for my dream rental property venture. The cash transfers have already paved the way for this dream, and I am determined to see it through."
Lucky's family
access_time 10 months ago
Lucky received a $26 eighteenth payment.
"My focus is to enroll in college to study mixology within the next six months. Lack of finances has been a barrier since I graduated in 2021, but thanks to the cash transfers, I now have the opportunity to pursue my dreams. The short course will equip me with essential skills for immediate employment. Alongside this, I plan to open a shop in my village in the coming years. Not only will it meet the community's demand for everyday items, but it will also boost my income. I am confident that this will enable me to support my seven siblings' education and ease the burden on my father's shoulders."
Sofia's family
access_time 10 months ago
Sofia received a $402 second payment.
"I'm a married mother with two children, one in school and the other still nursing. My husband works as a watchman in the city, bearing the financial burden to support our family, while I've been unable to work since I stopped my caregiving job because I was expectant. As we awaited our second transfer, I held onto hopes and dreams for our family's future. I therefore combined $500 of the second transfer with our first transfer to fulfill a long-held dream of purchasing land near a vigorously growing town. This investment isn't just about property, but it's about securing a better tomorrow for our children. Owning land in proximity to a thriving town has always been my greatest aspiration, knowing it will appreciate over time and provide stability for us, especially after developing it. I'm overwhelmed with joy to see my dreams taking shape, and I'm deeply grateful to GiveDirectly for giving me hope in what once felt like a dark and uncertain future."
Rachel's family
access_time 10 months ago
Rachel received a $418 second payment.
"From my perspective, GiveDirectly has truly excelled in their approach. The unconditional nature of the cash they provided gave me a newfound sense of agency and autonomy. I had the freedom to decide how best to utilize the funds based on my family's immediate needs and long-term goals. This level of trust and respect for recipients' decision-making abilities is commendable and sets GiveDirectly apart. By trusting recipients to know what's best for themselves and their families, the organization has created a model of assistance that promotes dignity, self-reliance, and agency."