GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Sofia's family
access_time 11 months ago
Sofia received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"Operating a small business entails selling various types of fish and vegetables. My current plan involves reinvesting in the business to expand my stock, ensuring a promising income stream in the future. Additionally, I remain committed to supporting my pastor by consistently contributing to the tithe and ministry funds. The financial support I've received has been instrumental in diversifying my resources; it enabled me to acquire additional hens, cover my children's school fees, and provide food for my family. I am profoundly grateful for this assistance as it has significantly contributed to enhancing the well-being of my household."
Pennina's family
access_time 11 months ago
Pennina received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"I finished high school in 2019, but I have not been able to continue my education due to my parents' low income as they rely on selling traditional medicine and farming. I aspire to pursue a Diploma course in Laboratory Technology. To achieve this, I have been saving $10 of my monthly transfers, and will continue to do so until I reach my goal. Additionally, I am working on expanding my small business to generate more income for my family and save up for my education. I plan to use part of the transfers to add new items to my business inventory. Once the business becomes stable enough, I'll increase the amount I save for my education fund to accelerate my plan of joining college. Through strategic financial planning and entrepreneurial initiative, I am determined to overcome financial barriers and realize my aspirations for higher education. By taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the transfers, I am paving the way towards a brighter future for myself and my family."
Khadija's family
access_time 11 months ago
Khadija received a $24 twenty-second payment.
"Since joining the program, I've acquired three goats, each of which has subsequently given birth, doubling my herd to six. My intention is to utilize future transfers to further expand my goat farming venture. As the goat population grows, my plan is to sell some and use the proceeds to purchase a bull, essential for plowing my farm during the rainy season. I am immensely grateful for the financial assistance provided by Give Directly, as it has significantly improved my quality of life and contributed to my financial stability."
Kanze's family
access_time 11 months ago
Kanze received a $24 twenty-sixth payment.
"My intention is to allocate my upcoming transfers towards acquiring livestock, recognizing that the financial assistance will eventually cease. This motivates me to invest in livestock, foreseeing it as a sustainable source of income even after the support ends. As the livestock herd expands, I plan to sell some of the animals and utilize the proceeds to fund my children's education. I am deeply grateful for the financial aid provided by Give Directly, as it has enabled my children to pursue their education with minimal disruptions, ensuring they remain enrolled in their respective schools."
Kadzo's family
access_time 11 months ago
Kadzo received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"I am deeply saddened that one of my sons could not finish high school due to financial constraints. Now that he has chosen to pursue training in automotive engineering, I am determined to support him through the transfers so he can complete his training and gain the skills necessary for a good job in the future. Currently, I do not have any source of income besides subsistence farming, as my previous business collapsed. However, I believe the transfers will enable me to support my son's aspirations. My plan is to allocate at least $20 of my monthly transfers towards his education. Additionally, I will try to save some of what's left, around $5, to eventually revive my sardine business, which folded months ago. Reviving this business will help me expand my financial resources and be able to support my family better as the younger son will also need to join college soon."
Kadii's family
access_time 11 months ago
Kadii received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"Recognizing the difficulties my husband encounters while caring for our family, I aim to utilize the transfers to establish my own business and assist him with our family expenses. His role as a charcoal broker is unpredictable; while there are times he earns well, there are also periods of financial strain due to slow sales. Starting my hotel business is intended to provide support during these tough times in his business. I am deeply thankful for the financial assistance that is paving the way towards stability."
Eunice's family
access_time 11 months ago
Eunice received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"As I near the completion of my current tailoring and dressmaking course, scheduled to conclude in December of this year, my sights are set on establishing my own tailoring business. Essential to this project is the acquisition of necessary equipment, notably a sewing machine which costs approximately $120. My plan is to first use the payout from my monthly savings to cover my fees for the year. Then, I'll start saving up for the sewing machine with subsequent payouts. Once I have the equipment, I'll use the transfers to help stabilize and grow the business until it becomes successful. It is my aspiration that by the conclusion of this program, I will have achieved financial stability, allowing me to transfer my child to a better-quality school, preferably a private institution offering enhanced educational opportunities."
Francis's family
access_time 11 months ago
Francis received a $371 second payment.
"Givedirectly have good service for their recipients. I mean, you just call them up, and it doesn't cost a thing. Plus, they've got this project going where they don't ask for anything in return But, you know, there's always room for improvement. I feel nothing should be changed about there way of operation."
Amina's family
access_time 11 months ago
Amina received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"My primary goal is to expand my poultry business and venture into livestock rearing with the cash transfers I am receiving from GiveDirectly. By doing so, I aim to establish a sustainable source of income for myself and my future family. I believe that I will achieve financial stability and eventually own our own place before starting a family. I'm excited and grateful for the support GiveDirectly has given us."
Samuel's family
access_time 11 months ago
Samuel received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"My immediate goal is to enroll in a driving school, which I see as a step towards securing better employment opportunities. With increased income, my next aim is to upgrade to a bigger house to accommodate my growing family's needs, providing them with a more comfortable living space. Once this is done, I will venture into livestock keeping, as I see it as a sustainable source of income. Thanks to GiveDirectly for giving me a chance to build a better life for my family."