GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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11 months ago
received a $25 eighteenth payment.
"The structural integrity of my house, particularly the support poles for the roof, has been compromised by termite damage, posing a significant risk to the safety of my family. There is a genuine concern that any impending strong winds could result in the collapse of the roof, exposing us to grave danger. Urgent intervention is imperative to address this imminent threat, necessitating the immediate replacement of the damaged roof poles with new, sturdy ones.
To mitigate this looming peril, I am committed to allocating a portion of my forthcoming transfers towards procuring the necessary materials for this essential renovation. Once this critical task is completed, I intend to allocate the remaining transfers towards long-term investments, such as acquiring livestock. This prudent investment strategy will serve as a financial buffer, particularly as my children progress to high school, where the financial demands for their education are expected to escalate. By prioritizing these strategic investments, I aim to safeguard the well-being of my family and secure our future stability."
View Juliet's
11 months ago
received a $25 twenty-second payment.
"My objective is to acquire additional iron sheets to fulfill the quantity needed for a comprehensive renovation of the entire roof. Upon securing the necessary sheets, I will proceed to obtain new building poles and address the repairs needed for the walls. The assurance of a secure dwelling brings profound peace of mind. I am deeply grateful for the assistance received thus far, which has been instrumental in advancing my endeavor to restore my home."
View Kabibi's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"Looking ahead, my goal is to invest in keeping livestock, specifically goats and chickens. Given my current situation of looking after my young nieces and nephews, whose parents recently passed away, and considering my advancing age, taking on a regular job seems challenging. Therefore, owning livestock appears to be the most viable way for me to generate wealth to support the needs of the four children under my care. With the children currently in primary school and a long educational journey ahead of them, I aspire to provide them with the best education possible within my capacity. I believe that investing in livestock will not only contribute to their well-being but also serve as a sustainable source of income for the family's needs."
View Kadii's
11 months ago
received a $310 second payment.
"I am delighted to share that I've made a significant investment of $400 in purchasing pipes to draw water from Lake Baringo, enhancing irrigation practices on my farm. This decision was prompted by the necessity to improve water management and boost overall irrigation efficiency. Previously, my farm suffered from low productivity due to limited access to water, leading to frequent disruptions and reduced yields as I struggled to borrow equipment. There were instances when the equipment would be taken back before we could complete our work, resulting in negative impacts on our crop yields. However, the installation of the pipes has effectively addressed these challenges, allowing me to irrigate my crops more efficiently. Already, I am seeing promising results, particularly with the thriving tomatoes I recently planted under the improved irrigation system. This investment fills me with happiness and optimism for a bountiful harvest, which, combined with the income from my village kiosk business, will enable me to provide more comfortably for my family of three. With the remaining amount, I purchased food to sustain my family, and I am truly grateful for the support provided by the transfer."
View Lilian's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"Givedirectly transfers have made me a young man full of hope. My goal is to finish school. I would want to change the fortunes of my family. My parents never got an education and hence they were limited on what kinds of work they could access, this would have been my fate had Givedirectly not stepped in. I now know my annual school fees of $250 can easily be covered by my transfers and even if I am in arrears I can get some small support from my parents. Though they do not earn much, both of my parents challenge me to continue in my education so as I can raise the living standard of my family."
View Josphat's
11 months ago
received a $23 eighteenth payment.
"My focus is to complete the construction of the house I recently started building. My old house stands on poorly drained ground, leading to flooding when it rains, making it challenging for adequate shelter. I have been directing the cash transfers towards purchasing building poles and iron sheets for another structure. Also, once this new house is completed, my next goal is to venture into goat keeping. Being advanced in age and with diminishing capacity for strenuous jobs, I aim to create wealth through goat keeping. I hope that even after the cash transfers have ceased, I can sell the animals to generate funds for family needs such as food, thereby alleviating the burden on my son's shoulders."
View Kachana's
11 months ago
received a $23 twenty-second payment.
"Even though I recently built a new house, the roof was constructed with iron sheets salvaged from the wreckage of my old house. Unfortunately, these sheets are not in the best condition, showing signs of rust and developing perforations over the years, causing water leaks during rainy periods. This doesn't look ideal for a new house, does it? I have a plan to address this issue by saving money from the cash transfers until I have enough to replace the iron sheets. The cash transfers have given me the confidence to take on projects like these without relying on my nephew for financial support. He already bears a significant burden of school fees for his six children, and I wouldn't want to add another financial strain. "
View Kauchi's
11 months ago
received a $23 eighteenth payment.
"I am currently a secondary school teacher, primarily teaching Form One and Form Four students. In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I also operate a small business selling fried potatoes and fried chicken to make ends meet. My sole aspiration is to build a stone house to provide my family with better living conditions. I am diligently saving from both my teaching salary and business earnings to turn this dream into a reality."
View Jumaa's
11 months ago
received a $23 eighteenth payment.
"I want to start my own business of selling goats and chickens. I have already purchased three chickens that have hatched, bringing the total to eighteen chickens. My plan is to sell them to make a profit and improve my life. Additionally, once I have accumulated enough money from my business, I intend to build my own house because the one I had fell due to heavy rain, leaving me without a place to call my own."
View Wilson's
11 months ago
received a $23 eighteenth payment.
"I am determined to start my own business by buying fish and soap to sell to my neighbors, aiming to improve my family's and my own life. I also want to support my husband, who currently works at a construction site mixing sand and cement. With the savings from my merry-go-round contributions, I believe I can soon start my business. Additionally, I plan to purchase good beds for my children, as their current sleeping arrangements do not bring me joy. My ultimate goal is to provide a better life for them and to see their lives improve."
View Loyce's