GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Amir's family
access_time 4 months ago
Amir received a $347 second payment.
"When GiveDirectly officers came to our village, I was amazed by how friendly and kind they were. They treated us with respect, asking questions in a way we could easily understand. They didn’t rush us, and no question was too small or silly for them to answer. Their patience and genuine interest in our concerns made me feel valued. The money we’ve received has already made a difference, but I do have one suggestion that could help even more. If GiveDirectly could disburse the full amount at once, instead of in smaller installments, it would allow us to invest in bigger projects."
Jane's family
access_time 4 months ago
Jane received a $347 second payment.
"I leased a piece of land, and my goal is to plant maize on it. I want to use Kenya seed because it’s reliable, and the company does contract farming with us. It's a good deal because, from just half an acre, you can earn up to $800 from the maize sale. I’ll use the third transfer I receive to get everything started. That money will go into ploughing the farm, buying the seeds, and maintaining the crop. I want to make sure I do everything right so the harvest is good. Once I harvest the maize and sell it, I plan to reinvest the money. I’ll use it to plant on an extra half-acre. My hope is to keep expanding every season, little by little, so the returns keep growing."
Dalmus's family
access_time 4 months ago
Dalmus received a $347 second payment.
"Next year, I have big plans that I hope will help me and my family. You see, I’ve already leased seven acres of land, and I want to plant maize on it. I’ve decided to work with Kenya Seed for the seeds because their prices are better compared to other commercial farms. To make this plan a reality, I will need some money. I plan to raise it by selling the beans and green grams I’ve been growing. With that money, I will be able to plough and plant the land properly. My hope is to get a good harvest from the maize. If all goes well, I will use the earnings to pay school fees for my three children, who are all in high school. This is what I want to achieve, and I’m determined to make it work."
Calvin's family
access_time 4 months ago
Calvin received a $347 second payment.
"My son is in Form Three, and his school fees arrears were weighing heavily on me. I knew that if I didn’t clear them, he wouldn’t be allowed to register for his Form Four exams next year. I had nothing left to sell, no way to raise the money, and everything felt like it was falling apart. So, I decided that the first priority was clearing those arrears and I used $300 from the transfer. Before, we used to eat just one meal a day to stretch what little we had. With part of the money, I bought two bags of maize for $70. That maize has been a blessing—we now eat two meals a day. It might not seem like much to some, but to us, it’s everything. The energy and strength to face each day have returned, and I see my children smiling more often. I spent $30 on clothes for my children because I wanted them to look presentable and feel good about themselves. For my wife and me, I set aside $40 for clothes. It had been years since we bought anything new to wear. Lastly, I used $10 to buy drugs for my goats. They are a critical source of livelihood for us, and I couldn’t risk losing them to illness. This money came when I needed it most and helped me in ways I never thought possible."
Esther's family
access_time 4 months ago
Esther received a $347 second payment.
"My old house was too small for my family of six children, and we were struggling to fit. I decided to bring it down and build a bigger one. I used $450 to buy construction materials like timber, iron sheets, and cement. It felt overwhelming at first, but I reminded myself this was my chance to create something better for my children. The work wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. I hired laborers to help with the demolition and construction, making sure every penny was spent wisely. Watching the new house take shape was such a fulfilling experience. Now, the house is ready, and it’s everything I hoped for. It’s a single-room house but much bigger than the old one. My children finally have more space to sleep and it has brought us comfort and dignity. I am so proud of what I’ve accomplished and grateful for the support that made this possible."
Melvin's family
access_time 4 months ago
Melvin received a $347 second payment.
"With the support I received from GiveDirectly, I plan to plough an acre of land and plant maize. For years, we’ve struggled with food insecurity, often relying on casual jobs to buy enough food to survive. This has been exhausting and unpredictable. Now, I see an opportunity to take control of our situation. The money will help me pay for ploughing and buy quality seeds to ensure a good harvest. For the first time, I feel hopeful that we can break free from the cycle of hunger and uncertainty. Once the maize is harvested, my plan is simple but life-changing. We’ll store enough maize to keep us food secure throughout the year, and I’ll sell the surplus to earn some income. With this, I won’t have to depend on daily labor, which takes me away from my family and never guarantees a steady living. Instead, I can focus on improving our home and planning for the future."
Veronicah's family
access_time 4 months ago
Veronicah received a $347 second payment.
"When the GiveDirectly staff visited us at home, it truly touched my heart because it showed they genuinely cared about us, not just as recipients but as people. Their visit felt personal and reassuring, and their warmth and respect made it easy to share our needs openly. They treated us with dignity, and their kindness stood out to me. I cannot think of anything they need to change because everything, from their process to their attitude, was done perfectly. The support they gave me has changed my life, and I am deeply grateful."
Kahindi's family
access_time 4 months ago
Kahindi received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"My ultimate goal in life is to own rental houses that will provide us with a steady income in the future. To achieve this dream, I have been buying goats using my previous transfers, and I plan to purchase more with a portion of my future transfers. I hope these goats will multiply, increasing both in number and value over time, which will help me buy a piece of land. Once I have that land, I will gradually purchase building materials using the proceeds from selling our goats, eventually fulfilling my long-held dream of building rental houses. However, with the current drought and hunger, I intend to continue using a portion of my transfers to buy food for my family until we receive enough rain and have sufficient food. Once our food needs are met, I will redirect those transfers toward my ultimate goal of establishing rental houses. I am truly grateful for this support, as it empowers me to care for my family while working toward a brighter future."
Kadenge's family
access_time 4 months ago
Kadenge received a $27 twenty-eighth payment.
"I have a small shop where I sell household consumables like maize flour, sugar, etc, and this business has been incredibly good to me as it has been helping me take care of my family. I see so much growth potential, and I am determined to make it even bigger. I plan to expand my shop using the transfers I will be receiving from GiveDirectly. Currently, the physical structure of my shop is small and in need of more space, so I have decided to build a larger area that will comfortably store my stock. I intend to use a portion of the transfers and a part of my business profits for this expansion. I will be overjoyed once this new space is ready, as it will enable me to serve my customers better. Additionally, I took a solar panel on credit, and I need to repay it. Right now, I have a balance of $170 to clear, and I plan to use another portion of my profits to settle this debt while reinvesting a portion back into the business to ensure its growth. I am truly grateful for the opportunities ahead and the support that helps me provide for my family."
Jackson's family
access_time 4 months ago
Jackson received a $27 twenty-eighth payment.
"My health is slowly deteriorating, but that will not stop me from working hard to provide for my family. As I continue to receive medical attention with the help of the transfers from GiveDirectly, I am determined to establish a sustainable source of income. My plan is to use a portion of these transfers to buy livestock from the village and sell them at the market for a profit. I have experience in this business; I used to run it successfully, but I had to pause due to unavoidable circumstances. Now, I am eager to revive it because it was incredibly helpful in supporting my family. I truly believe that with this venture, I will be able to provide for my family more comfortably and with fewer struggles. I am filled with hope and optimism that this plan will lead to success. I know that with hard work and determination, I can turn things around for us."