We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a mother of nine, I'm sure you can understand just how much we struggle with my husband to make ends meet. Making life-changing purchases, such as the 3 acres of land I purchased with GiveDirectly funds, were things we only dreamed about but never imagined it would become a reality. We had been living without enough seats in the house to accommodate us all, and the transfers allowed us to add six brand new seats for the family to sit on. Having prioritized our needs, we then jointly (mmy husband and I) decided that we needed one extra mattress that my kids could sleep on. Food and school fees took the majority of what was left, with the lion's share going towards school fees.My oldest child graduated from fourth grade last year; my second to fourth children are in grades 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2, respectively; my eighth child is in grade 1, and my youngest is 2.5 years old. The school fees we covered were a total of their respective tuitions, ranging from $20 per term for the second born who is going to Grade 8, to $24 per term for the third to seventh born, and $16 for the youngest of the learners. Except for the $10 I make per day from casual labor jobs, neither my husband nor I have a steady income, as he is unemployed and I am a stay-at-home mom. We would never do that.We completed everything that GiveDirectly funds allowed us to do. Thanks to GiveDirectly, we are a very happy and grateful family
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has given both my husband and I the motivation to keep going. The material and emotional strides we have made as a family and as a community would not have been possible without them. GiveDirectly gives a new lease on life to those who are at their lowest, for which I applaud them and hope they will continue to impact many more lives in the future.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have always considered myself an entrepreneur at heart. I would like to one day open a gas station where bodabodas can be refueled. Alongside it, I'd also like to run a successful grocery business, vending omena, pawpaws, apples, kale, and other fresh produce. I believe that by combining these two revenue streams, I can not only provide for my family but also ensure that our lifestyle improves greatly.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent the whole of my first cash transfer to buy a piece of land (half an acre). I had been yearning to own it for so many years but I did not have enough resources to acquire it. I purposely prioritise it because I had a vision of building rental houses on it shortly and also practise small-scale farming. I am so hopeful that my dream will come true in a few months to come whereby I will generate an income and I will no longer have to lease my friend's farms during seasons as I used to do earlier.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My life has been full of sorrow all along and nothing significant was happening, was even giving up. My spouse and I have been relying on the vegetable and palm wine business which was a seasonal one. I could therefore not afford to fulfil long-term goals because I could utilise all our income to meet the family needs which was still not enough. Raising nine children has been a challenge and we had to think of a permanent solution to this challenge. I am so glad that the fact that I acquired the piece of land, I will achieve a lot through it. First, I am planning to build a rental house on this land and use the remaining portion for my agricultural activities. As a mother, I am so happy became the piece of land will not only be an asset to me but also, a place where my children will build their houses once they grow up.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I learned that I had received my first cash transfer at exactly 5 PM when I was at my farm watering the vegetable. I felt extremely happy about this great fortune that still feels like a dream to me. I also knew that soon I will be able to acquire the piece of land that I had been yearning to purchase for years.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of a stable source of income has been the main challenge that I am currently facing. Over the years, I have been depending on casual jobs to meet the basic needs of my family(nine children). However, due to covid 19, these jobs have become scarce and life has been very difficult. It is sad that sometimes we go without a meal in a day or two. It pains my heart to see the children cry due to pangs of hunger that bite their stomach especially when they see our neighbors taking their meals. The small business of selling local liquor earns me KES 300 on a good day which is not sufficient to meet our needs. I intend to fix this problem by starting a kiosk in the village which will cost KES 20000. This will help meet our daily meals from the profits I will be making. I will them use KES 10000 to buy five goats and sell when they multiply as an investment for my children education.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have a small business of selling local liquor in the village that has been the main source of income for my family. Since last year, I have been earning very little profit that made life more difficult. However, Last year towards the festive season (christmas and new year celebration) I made a lot of profit KES 10000 that helped clear school fees for my children in the local primary school. This brought a lot of joy and happiness in my family as it helped sought out the pending bills and gave me peace of mind.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I live in a one bedroom traditional house. My family of nine children find it difficult to sleep under the same roof due to lack of enough space to accommodate them. This has forced five of them to seek shelter from neighbors. However, this has lowered my dignity as a parent because people see me as failure who sire children that I cannot meet their basic needs. Due to lack of enough money, this has made it difficult to address this problem. My spouse depends on tapping palm wine( traditional liquor) which we sell to earn a living. On a good day, he takes home KES 300 which is not sufficient to meet most of the basic needs. My ambition has been to build a two bedroom house that will cost KES 40000. I will then use the remaining amount to educate my children. Receiving this money therefore means restoring dignity to my family.