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Newsfeed > Chepkemoi's Profile
Chepkemoi's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($428 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before the transfer, I never had a modern house, I owned a small grass-thatched house which was leaking during the rainy season. I thank Give Directly for the transfers as I managed to build a two-bedroom modern house for kshs 30,000 Initially, I never had peace of mind as it was so tiresome moving some of my valuable items during the rainy season, my young boys too never had adequate space to spend their nights and this was so stressful as they could sleep in a neighbour's house. My peace of mind is finally restored since I built a house. I am a University student, a third-year student studying English Literature. I used the remaining part of the transfers of kshs 23,000 to pay for my tuition fees
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Another thing that is done perfectly is that the transfers are given in lump sum amounts and this helps in planning purposes in terms of the developments that we would wish to engage in at a personal level. Unlike other projects where it is given in small amounts. To avoid household conflict, what needs to be done differently is enrolling all the individuals in the household. During enrollment, those individuals who did not have responsibilities by then were left out of the program yet these are the same people who steal from their old and vulnerable parents. Another thing that needs to be done differently is enrolling all the communities in a specific village for uniformity purposes and this will prevent too many complaints coming from the communities that are left out during the registration to the programs
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am planning to start up a small business supplying maize to boarding schools. I usually do it although to homesteads on order. In the near future, I will be expanding and mostly the deliveries will be done by the motorcyclist as they will be in large quantities. The profits from the business will be taking care of my kids' school fees.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($460 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent KES 30,000 on purchasing iron sheets, timber, nails and all the materials that were needed. I am planning on building a better and more spacious house for my family. We lived in a small house now which cannot host all my family comfortably. I hope to start the construction process soon. We will have a decent and spacious house for the family. I spent KES 13,000 on purchasing wire and poles. I have fenced all my farm. This has always been my wish to prevent the cows from destroying my crops. Currently, my compound is secured and I am so happy. The remaining amount of money I spent on household items and food for the family. We are so grateful because GiveDirectly has changed our living standards.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have purchased all the building materials ready to build a better and more spacious house. We live in a small mud house that could not host us comfortably. it has been my wish to own a better house but it was not possible since we did not have the money to buy the building materials. I depend on small-scale farming and I am a primary school teacher. The money that I got from my job was for school fees and basic household items. The produce that I would get from my farm is majorly for consumption. I had purchased a few materials with my saving but I have not yet started the construction. When I received the transfer from GiveDirectly I felt so happy because this was the opportunity to purchase all the building materials that were needed. I have all the materials ready to start the construction process. I hope to build a better and more spacious house where we would live comfortably with my children. We are so grateful for the support because were it not GiveDirectly this could have taken quite some time to achieve.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 8 Pm I was preparing food when I heard a message notification from my phone. When I checked it out I could not believe my eyes. It was a message confirming that I have received the money from GiveDirectly. I felt so happy because that was the highest amount of money I have ever received. I immediately informed my children and all were happy. I knew I would be able to buy more materials for the building since we lived in a small house that could not host all my family members comfortably. I took a period of five days then I went to withdraw the money and started spending it. I am so grateful because GiveDirectly has enabled us to fulfill our dreams.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Domestic wrangles is the biggest challenge that I face at the moment. When I separated from my husband in the year 2014, I came back home to my parents. I am not in good terms with my sisters-in-law because they consider me an outsider. Every time they mock me as a person who could not take care of her husband and this is something that is slowly killing me. I have persevered this mockery for years and I feel like I cannot take it any longer
What is the happiest part of your day?
Being a teacher is fun because you impart knowledge to pupils every day. Every time we give continuous assessment tests to pupils and teachers are ranked according to how their pupils have performed. Last month I emerged the best teacher overall and this made me very happy.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I separated from my husband in the year 2014 because of irreconcilable differences and there is no hope of going back. He was abusive and there is a time he almost killed me. I came back home to my parents but still I do not have the peace of mind because my brothers want me to go back to my matrimonial home. I am a teacher by profession and I took a loan of KES 200,000 to buy my own land. I am still servicing the loan and I have no financial strength to build a house. I desire to build a house so that I can finally have peace. I intend to spend KES 50,000 to build a timber-walled house. Receiving this money will enable me build a house that will give me the much needed peace of mind.