GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $236 third payment.
"Give Directly has done extremely well for us. I was able to paid my kids school fees and enlarged my farm as well."
View Marcus's
2 years ago
received a $236 third payment.
"Give Directly has done extremely well for me because i always wanted to enlarge my farm but i couldn't afford to pay people to work for me.
But with the help of Give Directly transfer i have done it so easily. Even when i am dead my kids will still benefit from that farm."
View Wilson's
2 years ago
received a $432 second payment.
"When I received my second transfer of $550, I used $200 to buy a heifer and another $100 to buy maize for consumption. The remaining amount of $250 was used to cement the floor of my house. I chose to invest the money on livestock as a long term investment that would see me meet some of the emergency needs that may come by. I had for a long time longed for a house with a cemented floor since this would be easy to maintain but due to little income that we make from our subsistence farming then we were unable to raise enough to do all the improvements that we have been able to do with GiveDirectly transfers. I now feel so much happy and grateful to GiveDirectly for what it has enabled us to do-something we would not have achieved anytime soon."
View Juliana's
2 years ago
"The challanges am currently facing is the high bills of school for my 3 children who are still at school. 1 child joined University and the tuition is is $486 per semister, the other 2 children are in high school each paying $81 per term. It has become hard for me to fully pay the tuition/school fees for all my school going children and this is because i dont have a stable source income to meet the needs of the family in addition to school dues. The other challange is shortage of food for my family due to flash floods that have always destroyed my garden leading to poor yields which has on the long run led to famine."
View Khisa's
2 years ago
received a fourth payment.
"I have built my house but there was no money to plaster. Therefore, when I received my last transfer, I purchased few begs of cement and sand to complete my project."
View Ajuah's
2 years ago
received a $236 fourth payment.
"Givedirectly has done well especially by giving cash to recipients and allowing them to decide what to do with it. Based on this, most of us were able to build, sent our children to school and also some got involved in petty businesses. Therefore, I strongly believe that giving cash to someone and allowing them to decide for themselves is the best way and this can help to get rid of poverty in the world at large."
View Alester's
2 years ago
received a $236 third payment.
"I have been living in our family house for years due to lack of finance.I am a 45 yrs old man who live on farming,upon receiving my third transfer I decided buying house building materials inorder to erect my own house and move from our family house."
View Anthony's
2 years ago
received a $432 second payment.
"I spent part of my second transfer on paying fees for my three children who are all in primary school. I had to prioritize this so that they can study without being interrupted. They have been on and off which has been affecting their performance. To add to that, I bought decent clothes for my children since they have been wearing old clothes. As a result, they have been infected by skin diseases. I feel happy to see them smiling and even healthier. This has also restored their self-esteem since they used to be a laughingstock in the village. Finally, I spent the remaining amount of money to buy enough foodstuff for my family of four. This has enabled us to eat well-balanced meals at least twice a day. Initially, we used to take a single meal or sometimes go without. As a parent, it used to frustrate me a lot and I never thought this would come to an end."
View Kanze's
2 years ago
received a $418 second payment.
"Receiving free cash transfers was the best thing that could have happened to our entire village. This included the freedom to spend our money however we saw fit based on the immediate challenges we wanted to address. I am grateful to have been a part of a program that was executed so fairly, as everyone in the village went through the same interview and was accepted into the program. We later received the same amount of money that changed our living standards."
View Christina's
2 years ago
received a $432 second payment.
"Despite the fact that there has been a four-month drought, I am optimistic that a farming venture will be the ultimate goal this year. I am hoping to plant short crops that will include vegetables and beans. I hope to raise school fees and food for my family through farming."
View Caroline's