GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $28 second payment.
View Evans's
2 years ago
"I am currently facing a problem of sickness which hasn't enabled me to work as I used to work some time back which has brought about scarcity of food in the family. I also face a problem of lack of school fees and uniforms for my grand children to attend school regularly and perform well in class."
View Wanyenze's
2 years ago
"I currently face a challenge of landslide which has always affected our gardens and houses something that let us have suffer by having poor harvests leading hunger in the home. I also with my people some times sleep badly as a result of water penetrating into our house when it rains.
Transport becomes a problem when harvesting period reaches because we just carry produce on the heads which affects our health yet in most cases we are un able to arrive at required treatment."
View Watuwa's
2 years ago
"The biggest problem I am currently is poverty which has all the bad life we are going through. I mention this because I really struggle to food and requirements for people in the home. We truely only survive on one meal a day most of the time.
I have also failed to buy my wife and children good beddings like mattresses, blankets, bed sheets and clothes. This has really caused bad life that any other person cannot desire being in."
View Kwomu's
2 years ago
"Being an orphan I currently face a problem of poverty which doesn't allow us live because I am un able support my family as it is required for example we sometimes have one meal a day. We also struggle to get money for availing most basic needs hence living complicated life."
View Wasakali's
2 years ago
"The biggest challenge I face currently a single mother is inability to raise school fees for my children which has kept them attend school irregularly hence registering poor performance in class. I also have a problem of finding food my children where I go dig for people in order to get some little money to cater food and other basic needs."
View Namakongolyo's
2 years ago
received a $444 initial payment.
"I was in the nearby town of Bomet when I received a message confirmation of my first transfer. I had no doubts about the source's authenticity because it arrived on time everyone was expecting. Many people received it almost simultaneously and were all overjoyed that the plans we had in mind were coming to fruition. Because I am currently living alone at home after my spouse left a few weeks before enrollment, I was unable to inform anyone of my transfers but continued to spend as planned the following day."
View Kiprono's
2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"I completed the tailoring course a year ago and have been working on casual jobs in my friend's tailoring shop ever since because I could not afford a tailoring machine. After receiving the first transfer, I decided to purchase one for $150, which I am currently using. Even though I have not found a strategic location for my own shop, I am grateful that my friend still accommodates me in her shop while I work independently and earn a living. I also spent $180 on a heifer, which I hope will aid in milk production in the future. I had been purchasing milk for my family of two, which was very expensive because I did not have a reliable source of income. In addition, I saved the remaining funds, which helped me purchase more goods for my business, such as fabrics and threads."
View Janet's
2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"I had been keeping my neighbor's lactating cow with the three other cows I had previously owned. I needed another cow to increase milk production for both domestic use and as a source of income. I could not pass up the opportunity to be the rightful owner because my neighbor wanted to sell the cow I had been keeping. As a result, I paid $350 and am now enjoying those extra 2 liters daily while waiting for its next breeding period. I also spent $82 on food shopping, which included a sack of maize and a 25-kg bag of rice, which my family of four is still consuming. In addition, I added seven chickens to my flock for $28. Since then, I have been collecting at least 10 eggs per day, selling them once a week, and using the proceeds to fund an informal savings group that my neighbors and I started. My husband and I both work in nearby schools, and our salaries have always ensured that our children attend one of the best boarding schools in the area. I am glad the money we received from GiveDirectly helped us in most areas, as we used the last of it to buy new clothes for every member of the household."
View Benalyn's
2 years ago
received a $444 initial payment.
"I live with my family of five in a small house that cannot comfortably accommodate all of us. Every evening, two of my children would risk going out into the neighborhood in search of a place to sleep. Even though it made my neighbor's children uncomfortable to share their bed space with my children every day, they had to put up with it because we had limited funds to build a new house. As the bread winner, it became more difficult for me when I lost my job at a restaurant in a nearby shopping center due to a diabetic condition that affected my vision. When I received the first transfer, I was relieved that I would prioritize spending on construction work.I spent $450 on 24 iron sheets, building poles, and timber, as well as labor charges for a house that is nearly completed. I am pleased with the progress and eagerly await the second transfer to complete the final furnishing. In addition, I spent the remaining funds on household goods, including foodstuffs worth $60 and other consumables at $40."
View Stanley's