GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Mapenzi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mapenzi received a $430 second payment.
"I have no stable source of income , I usually sell charcoal and just keep myself busy with house and farm chores . My husband who is the bread winner was the manager of an M.C.A but he lost he job after the M.C.A lost elections . When I received the second transfer we had no tap water , It had been disconnected because of bill arrears which had accrued upto $75 , so I paid it and got the water reconnected . I went to Kilifi town and bought a 3,000 litre water tank worth $188 and used $15 to transport it home . Before I could really suffer because of fetching water from far . So I spent $23 on 3 bags of cement and paid $42 labour for the water tank to be firmly installed . Right now that is a problem of the past , infact I now sell my water to the residents of my village . I used to keep goats for my sister and I really wanted to buy something that I would use to remember Give Directly , so I bought 2 does , each did cost $35 . As we speak , I'm already enjoying their milk since they both gave birth not so long ago . You see these are blessings ! My 3 primary school going children had school fees arrears which had accrued to $55 , I also cleared it . I then used $22 to buy 1 bale of maize flour and $10 to buy 10kgs of powder soap .I was left with about $30 so I saved it so that incase of an emergency , I'll have where to run to . I thank Give Directly for literally changing my life ."
Nora's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nora received a $430 second payment.
"My goal is to take my child to secondary school . He scored averagely in his K.C.P.E and I'll be so happy to finally enrol him in secondary school . He has already received a calling letter and is supposed to join on 23rd of this month , I'll need approximately $100 to be able to enrol him . So , I plan to sell 1 of the goats that I bought recently but my worry is that their prices have since dropped to almost a half . I'm trusting in God that I'll achieve this ."
Gilbert's family
access_time 2 years ago
Gilbert received a $430 second payment.
"Give Directly did more good than bad . Infact 99% was perfect . You have helped people in my village to buy cows , pay school fees and build presentable houses . Thank you so much . But one thing that I felt you did not do right is that you did not give transfers to 2 people in our village who are living with disabilities . One has an ID and another on is a minor . You should work on your selection criteria to include such people , please ."
Joyce's family
access_time 2 years ago
Joyce received a $430 second payment.
"Give Directly does well to give people money for them to use it on whatever they choose . By so doing , it has eradicated poverty in this village . We really appreciate because we have manage to pay school fees for our children and also bought cows . Our children no longer stay at home due to school fees balances . There is nothing you are not doing right , everything about Give Directly is just good ."
Kibet's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kibet received a $430 second payment.
"Currently , I have a semi permanent house whose wall is wooden . I hope to build a 3 or 4 roomed permanent house in 3 years to come . I'll need approximately $6000 to achieve this and my plan is to raise this money from my sacco savings . I can also borrow a loan from the same sacco then pay later in instalments ."
Halima's family
access_time 2 years ago
Halima received a $430 second payment.
"Give Directly does everything well . You have created a direct link with residents . You always come directly to the ground to explain to us about your projects and good intentions , which clears any fears and doubts that we could be having about you . You have given us non refundable money which has helped us to do several developments in this village . Personally I have bought a mattress , a bed and a cow , these are things that I never knew I would buy . There is nothing to improve on , just continue helping people ."
Santa's family
access_time 2 years ago
Santa received a $28 tenth payment.
"When my house crumbled last year, I was forced to move into my brother’s house, where I have been staying to date. Luckily, he works and lives in Mombasa with his family. It only becomes inconvenient when they visit the village and I have to look for another place to lay my head. To ensure this never happens, I plan on building a two-room house for myself. Gladly, I was able to obtain the main materials like iron sheets and building poles through previous cash transfers. I only need $150 for labor, which I will obtain by saving through my self-help group."
Sidi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Sidi received a $28 tenth payment.
"My top priorities for this year are to buy livestock and upgrade the condition of my home. I put up with my house's rusty iron sheets being in bad shape the entire previous year. Every time it rained, my mother-in-law and I would spend the entire night shifting furniture around the house to keep it from being ruined by the rain water seeping in through the roof. This year, I intend to purchase two new iron sheets each month until I have enough to fix the roof completely. I'll feel better once the roof is fixed, and I can then concentrate on getting more livestock to add to the few I already have."
Happy's family
access_time 2 years ago
Happy received a $28 tenth payment.
"I decided to start saving a portion of the money that I received over the last few months of last year. This was influenced by the fact that the house I live in at the moment is quite a disaster, especially the roof. During the rainy season, we normally have to put pots in the house so that it is not left flooded with water, and we end up staying up the whole night sometimes just because the roof is leaking from everywhere. This year, I plan to finally use the funds that I have been saving to build a proper house and install a new roof. This will be costly because I have a lot of material to buy, including timber and sand, and I also have to pay the laborers, but I am hopeful it will all turn out well."
Kadzo's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kadzo received a $28 tenth payment.
"I make charcoal to supplement the monthly transfer from GiveDirectly.  I currently have two children in college, another one will soon begin secondary school, and the youngest is in primary school grade 8. Paying their school fees has been challenging, but I am grateful that the charcoal business has always provided me with extra income to help meet some of their obligations. Even though I am currently unproductive due to an eye ailment, I hope to recover in the coming year and double my efforts in charcoal burning to keep my children in school."