GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"For a while now, I have had the plans to Invest in my farm especially by ensuring that I buy a couple of farm animals. I decided that I will be saving a portion of the money that I keep receiving so that I could eventually have enough to buy a couple of goats and poultry since purchasing cows is costly.Apart from that, I also intend to finish up with renovating my house because after I started receiving the transfers I began fixing it especially the roof since the iron sheets were old and worn out."
View Kachimbi's
2 years ago
received a $445 second payment.
"After demolishing the old house that my family of six had been living in, I built a new one using the first transfer. With the growing family, the house was becoming too small. I spent $150 on labor charges and additional construction materials after receiving the second transfer because I already had the wood from the old house. The new, spacious kitchen is now completed, and I am pleased that it has provided an additional space for my daughters. I also spent $400 on a lactating cow, which saved me from spending money on milk, which is currently $2 per liter. Even though I am not receiving surplus produce, I believe that once it calves, I will be able to sell the surplus as a source of additional income. I am currently relying on casual jobs to pay household bills, as well as subsistence farming, which has been my family's primary source of income and food. I am grateful for GiveDirectly's support, and I hope to continue improving our living conditions through the current projects."
View Joan's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"I run a maize-selling business that continues to grow with each additional funding. When I received the second transfer, I spent $200 to replenish the stock that was slowly depleting. As a result, my profit margin has increased because I have never run out of stock since then. I also spent $300 on a heifer that I believe will increase milk production to supplement the first transfer's purchased cow. In addition, I spent the remaining funds on food shopping for my family of six."
View Paul's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"GiveDirectly lifted me out of the hard life I was living on a small piece of family land with my children. I am glad that GiveDirectly assured us of free cash transfers and the freedom to spend our money as we saw fit after we enrolled. Purchasing a plot of land had long been a dream of mine, and I am delighted that it has finally come true. I had also spent a portion of the transfer on livestock, which I believe will be useful in bolstering other future projects. I hope that GiveDirectly will continue to do good in other villages that have yet to be visited."
View Alice's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"After purchasing 22 iron sheets and paying the labor costs during the construction process, I spent $400 of my second transfer on the construction of a new house. I had to demolish a small house and construct a new, larger one for my family of four. I am relieved that my children now have a room where they can study and sleep quietly. I also spent $50 of the remaining funds on leasing land and later planting maize, the rest on a $45 sack of maize, and the last bit on new pairs of clothes for my two children. I am grateful for GiveDirectly's generous support, which has significantly improved our standard of living."
View Charles's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"In the coming year, I hope to save enough money to purchase another lactating cow. The cost of milk is currently high, and producing enough to sell is a good source of income that I may be able to generate by acquiring a lactating cow. This will also allow them to alternate breeding seasons, ensuring a steady supply of milk for my family. In the long run, I intend to sell the offspring to fund the purchase of another piece of land, as we are currently living on my parents' piece of land."
View Kipkirui's
2 years ago
received a $445 second payment.
"I hope to begin construction work in the coming year now that I have completed the payment for the parcel of land. Building rental houses requires a lot of resources, so I am glad I have been an active member of a Sacco for the last year. We have been taking turns collecting our savings with the other group members with whom we are saving, and I believe I will get my share before the end of the year. I am hoping that once the construction is completed, I will be able to rent out the rooms and use the proceeds to support my family of three."
View Victor's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"When I received the second transfer, I used a large portion of it to improve my farming activities, which had always been our primary source of income. With my four children, I believe that improved farming will ensure food security while also providing a source of income from surplus produce. I spent $200 on farm inputs such as certified bean seeds, fertilizers, and herbicides, as well as labor charges for farm operations leading up to planting. I am relieved that we've made progress and that weeding has begun, as we anticipate a better harvest at the end of the season. I also spent $120 of the remaining funds on food for my family of four and $10 on new clothing. In addition, I spent $80 on a heifer to add to the existing heifer. I had been purchasing milk, and hopefully, as they mature, I will be able to reduce my purchasing costs and instead produce enough to sell the surplus."
View Lorna's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"With the current projects and the monthly payment for the biogas installation, I hope to make timely payments every month in order to avoid penalties. Along with the installments I am making, I would like to begin the construction of a new kitchen, the materials for which are already on hand. I have been saving money for the construction and purchasing materials in bits, which I am glad are now all available. The construction will begin once I have saved enough for the labor costs, and hopefully, it will be completed within the next four months."
View Faith's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"I intend to concentrate more on farming to make sure that my family is sorted food-wise. With a great supply of foodstuff, other basic needs will be easy to manage single-handedly since my wife is currently not working."
View Kahindi's