GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Mwalimu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mwalimu received a $28 tenth payment.
"Towards the end of last year, I acquired two goats and five hens courtesy of GiveDirectly's transfers. I then started setting aside $20 every month to build a house. Since I do not own a house, I have been staying with my brother. I want to have my house built so that when my brother gets home from the city, I will not bother him. I will not be concerned or inconvenienced even if he marries. I considered this goal after I had sat for my KCPE. I am glad that I have saved $80 towards that goal. Once I get the house, some of my siblings will get an additional room where they can stay. I am aiming to build by August 2023"
Sophia's family
access_time 2 years ago
Sophia received a $28 tenth payment.
"This year, I want to open a small kiosk where I'll sell silver cyprinid and vegetables. Right now, I'm paid to get water and wood for other people. The most I can earn is $1, which is extremely little and cannot meet my family's needs. My husband is a "bodaboda," or motorcycle taxi. The high cost of fuel has had a significant negative impact on the business because it drives away potential customers who choose to take other forms of public transportation. Because of this, he is unable to meet the needs of the family and his overall income is impacted. I'm starting this business to give my family a backup source of income during these trying times financially."
Nyevu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyevu received a $442 initial payment.
"I was at home with my two children when I received a message confirming the receipt of my first transfer. I could not contain my excitement when I learned that I had just received the money I had been hoping for. Even though my children had no idea what was going on with my celebrations, they kept staring at me as I jumped around the house. Because it was still early, I had to go to a nearby shopping center and collect a portion of the money before using the remainder to settle my debts via mobile money transfer."
Naomi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Naomi received a $428 second payment.
"We do not have our own land and therefore, we have build a temporary house on my father in-law's compound. Our goal this year as a family is to buy a land and build a permanent house. This means that we will have somewhere to proudly call home and we will now shift our focus to saving towards our children's school fees who will be joining high school next year."
Lawreen's family
access_time 2 years ago
Lawreen received a $426 second payment.
"What GiveDirectly does well was giving out unconditional transfers, being allowed to spend the transfers based on our own preferences was great. Many have made very good investments using the transfers as far as buying parcels of land, and cattle among others. I was also pleased with how we were visited at home by GiveDirectly officers, who indeed served us with dignity, and at the same same time, they were very friendly. I also liked GiveDirectly's commitment and trustworthiness, they delivered as they promised, and also to make it better that we were never asked for any bribe to be enrolled into the program. So far I haven't seen anything negative from GiveDirectly's side."
Jayplee's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jayplee received a $244 second payment.
"In the next few years I intend to get a bigger farm to grow lot of crops in my village that will help my community and family because we fine it difficult getting food on a daily basis.In as must we never had a decent house but due to Givedirectly support we were able to complete our house that will last and accommodate all of my children. With this accomplishments we will be financially stable to educate our children to the fullest because they are our future achievement."
Joan's family
access_time 2 years ago
Joan received a $443 initial payment.
"My main challenge has been that the house I am living in is small, even though my children are all grown. This meant they needed their own space. Due to financial constraints, this was not possible. My husband and I are both farmers, and we have three children. When GiveDirectly promised that I would receive my money. I knew this was the Golden opportunity I had been looking for. As a result, I spent $40 on the construction. The remainder was then spent on food. I am grateful for the help that has brought so much blessing into our lives because this is a huge milestone that would not have been possible without financial support."
Betty's family
access_time 2 years ago
Betty received a $443 initial payment.
"The money from GiveDirectly was an extremely helpful in our lives. This is because I was able to pay our children's school fees. The most significant difference is that we are all relieved that our children can now confidently report to school once the session has begun. I am so grateful for the help that has brought so much joy into our lives."
Prisilah's family
access_time 2 years ago
Prisilah received a $443 initial payment.
"I was at home with my husband the moment I received my transfer. While my husband was relaxing, I was busy with the house core. My phone abruptly began to ring. When I looked into what the message meant, I discovered that I had received money from GiveDirectly. I was overcome with joy because I knew I would be able to achieve my objectives. I immediately informed my husband, who was overjoyed and grateful. We then began to plan when to cash out the money in order to put it to good use."
Hadija's family
access_time 2 years ago
Hadija received a $443 initial payment.
"My friends approached me, beaming brightly. While I was wondering what was amusing them. One of them informed me that she had received funds from GiveDirectly. When I checked my phone, I saw a Mpesa message confirming the same. Words cannot express my immense joy and happiness. I knew it was the start of something wonderful in my life. I will be eternally grateful for the chance to better my life."