GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
"My biggest challenge is food. This is because of farming isn't yielding anything. We put work and effort but the rains don't go as planned in the end we don't harvest anything. To cushion this, I go out to look for piece work for money to buy food. My husband went to South Africa in 2019 for greener pastures to help support us. I love with my mother and siblings and my children, totalling 7 people. It's a challenge to provide for us all."
View Alinafe's
2 years ago
"Currently, the only challenges we are facing are lack of financial muscle improve our house condition and hunger. As you can see our house doesn't have a cemented floor and it's walls aren't plastered. We wish we did all that but due to the aforementioned challenge we are unable to fulfil that desire and live in a what we'd call a "comfortable house". On top of that, due to the climate change impact we are unable to harvest like we used to. For example, from 2015 going down the years, we used to get around 8 to 10 bags of maize for food from our 1 acre farmland. But since then up to now we only get 2 bags of maize from the same farmland. This has brought about hunger issues in our family."
View Mangalita's
2 years ago
"Currently the only challenges we are facing in our household are hunger and poor housing condition. We didn't harvest anything last season due to erratic rains and lack of application of fertilizer in our farm land. Consequently, we've been hit with this hunger crisis. Additionally, this house doesn't offer us the comfort we desire and unfortunately we are unable to achieve that due to financial constraints at present. We wish we lived in an iron sheet roofed house rather than this grass thatched one that leaks whenever it rains. These are the only hurdles we are currently facing."
View Rita's
2 years ago
"Landslides in that whenever it rains it leads to flash floods that ends up carrying away cattle and plants belonging to my neighbours, additionally I vividly remember like it was yesterday a landslide carried my house and almost claimed the lives of my loved ones leaving behind stones thus failed me to reconstruct a new home since I owned only one piece of land."
View Wasika's
2 years ago
"Greatest challenge is water that flows from up to our home. It destroys even the crops that we have and most cases we are very worried that any time the landslides may come and take our whole family. The destruction of our crops brings us hunger and sometimes we are worried of how we shall be eating in the future."
View Mutinye's
2 years ago
"Ever since I and my spouse, Watson Stenala separated back in 2021 I have been struggling to take care of my son, Rodrick on my own and I tell you it hasn't been a walk in the park. Currently, the challenges I am facing are lack of food and decent housing. I have to do casual work in order to get food and I get paid from $1 to $2 which is far from enough to carter for our needs. Additionally, this house leaks whenever it rains and I don't have the means to improve its roof hence I am left to face the restless nights for I have nowhere else to seek shelter."
View Siyeni's
2 years ago
"The only challenge I am currently facing is means to find food. I struggle everyday to make ends meet just so that I am able to feed myself. At present day I sometimes eat once a day and twice on a good day. Casual labour doesn't come by often these days since people don't have money to pay for work so it's hectic having to look for job and even worse so on an empty stomach."
View Martino's
2 years ago
"Currently, the only challenge we are facing in my household is hunger. Due to irregular rain patterns last season, we managed to get 10 bags of maize from our 1 acre farmland where we get double that number on a good year. This food lasted until October, 2022. At present we are rationing our feeding habits to once a day just so that atleast each one of us gets to have something to eat for the day."
View Matias's
2 years ago
"Being a single mother of 3 is not easy. I am constantly worried about what I will feed my children, how I am to dress them and then think about taking care of myself and even taking care of my shelter, thus, my house. I and my ex husband, Patrick Tenesi divorced 3 years ago and I have had to fend on myself since then. I have been relying on pieceworks which don't come by often and even when they do, they don't pay well to carter for my family's needs. My monthly income is roughly $2 which I feel isn't sufficient for my family needs in terms of food and housing. As it is my house doesn't have a proper door and the roof leaks. This brings me and my children uncomfortable rests. On top of that we don't have food since we didn't get anything from our previous harvest."
View Elube's
2 years ago
"Ever since my ex wife, Maria Sarifu, got hit with mental health illness back in 1983, I made a resolution not to remarry and I have been a single man all these years. Truth is there are days when loneliness hits me but I have no one to turn to. Currently, I am faced with two challenges, thus, poor housing and lack of food. As you can see my house is in a dilapidated state with porous grass thatched roof that leaks each time it rains. This brings me discomfort and restlessness nights. Additionally, at present I don't have any food stock in my house for I did not harvest even a single grain of maize for food from my 2 acres farmland last season, April 2022, because my crops were washed off with the floods. I am surviving off pieceworks and remittance from well wishers to get food these days."
View Marcos's