GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"GiveDirectly did an outstanding job in our village, as evidenced by a high level of information clarity and fairness in the enrollment process. Everyone is pleased that the process was not biased and that it gave everyone a fair chance by visiting every household and listening to every village member. I, like everyone else in our village who received the transfer, have seen a lot of positive changes since receiving the money and am grateful to GiveDirectly for their generous support. Even though some villages were not enrolled, I am hopeful that they will be considered so that the cash transfers can improve their living conditions."
View Alice's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"GiveDirectly did an excellent job in elevating many families out of poverty in the village. It was incredible that everyone had the opportunity to enroll in the program to receive a free cash transfer and then decide how to spend it. The approach was so straightforward and satisfying that no one was left out of the program for no apparent reason. I am optimistic that the program will be implemented successfully in all of the villages that were skipped."
View Chebet's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"I am currently rearing livestock and making significant savings from my salon business after investing heavily in livestock with the intent of selling them later for a piece of land. In the coming year, I hope to raise enough money to purchase a plot of land, which will allow for more farming activities."
View Faith's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"My current goal is to go back to school. I am passionate about learning hairdressing and dressmaking and have always considered getting certificates in both from Godoma Technical. This would allow me to further grow my business and improve our quality of life even more, thanks to the extra income."
View Moureen's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"My ambition has always been to start a food-related business. The additional and sustainable income from this would greatly assist me in achieving my long-term goal of providing a better life for my children. I'd like to see them finish their education, get good jobs, and live a life that is better than what my husband and I were given by our parents."
View Philister's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I plan to own at least 8 goats by the end of the year. Aside from that, I purpose to buy at least two chickens through every cash transfer. The reason for rearing this livestock is to have enough to sell and raise money for the school fees of my six children and support my husband. The little he makes while working at a bakery is hardly enough to buy food and cover school fees for our children as well. My wish is to relieve him of that burden."
View Riziki's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I intend to pay three of my children's tuition with the money I will receive this year. This is my main worry, especially since it happens frequently that I fail to pay my children's tuition and they are kicked out of school. In addition, I also intended to purchase a few goats, as I did the previous year. I discovered that I have so far purchased three utilizing funds provided by the company last year. In the event that I experience financial hardship, I hope to continue buying farm animals as a long-term investment. I would also like to finally complete building my house because the roof is still unfinished."
View Jumaa's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"I have no stable source of income , but during rainy seasons , I keep myself busy in the farm practising subsistence farming . We just depend on my husband for upkeep. I can't forget , it was on a Thursday night when my son showed me the message on my phone . I had finally received the second transfer . I was overwhelmed with joy . I knew most of my problems would be solved . I have 5 primary school going children , they had school fees arrears of $100 which I cleared . I had always wished to own a cow like some of my neighbours , so I spent $200 on 1 heifer . I hope that through artificial insemination it will get pregnant quickly , so that I start enjoying it's milk and even sell some . Later I can sell them and pay school fees for my children . I also bought a water tank of 4000 litres worth $100 , I'll be using it to harvest water during rainy seasons . There was no food in my house , so I bought 3 bags of maize worth $75 ,I also bought utensils worth $20 ."
View Fatuma's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"I'm a casual labourer on a private owned farm whereas my wife is jobless . So I'm the family's bread winner and we also depend on subsistence farming for food . I received this second transfer just on time to complete the construction of my new house . I spent $180 on 20 iron sheets and $80 on labour for roofing . I just wish you could come and see my new house . The new iron sheets makes my whole compound to look beautiful . I spent $100 on secondary school fees for my son and $70 on 2 goats for rearing . I believe the goats will reproduce and be able to he me cater for most basic needs and school fees when I sell them . I was left with approximately $100 which I spent on maize flour ."
View Garama's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"This year, I want to use the money I got to get my boys together so we can start gradually paying for the land we currently live on. This is due to the fact that we are squatters and the landowners have demanded payment from us in order for us to remain there or transfer to another location. Since I can remember, this has been our place to live, and I am now too elderly to even mention that we have relocation plans.As a result, my children and I determined that we would gradually pay the landowners throughout the year until the debt was fully satisfied. I intend to utilize the money for this because it is currently my top priority. After that, I'm hoping I can finally construct a lovely home for myself because the one I currently live in is so dated it's hard to believe anyone ever lives there."
View Kadzo's