GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Salim's family
access_time 2 years ago
Salim received a $28 tenth payment.
"GiveDirectly transfers have assisted me in paying my first-grade son's school fees as well as purchasing food for my current family of nine. Aside from the monthly support, I also do subsistence farming to supplement my income. I am grateful that I was able to save a portion of the monthly transfers through the informal savings group we formed with the other nine members of our village, and when my turn came last year, I was able to purchase a dairy cow. In the coming year, I intend to continue saving with the group and use the funds to purchase goats. I hope to multiply them through breeding and then sell them to supplement the small family land that we had been farming on, giving me more space to improve farming and produce a plentiful supply of foodstuffs for my family."
Kauchi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kauchi received a $28 tenth payment.
"As of last August, I decided to start saving up money so that I could finally have enough to build a proper home for myself and my children. The house I live in at the moment is almost on the verge of collapsing, and that is what made me want to build another one. Therefore, before the end of the year, I am planning to have accomplished this. Apart from that, I also happen to have five kids who are pursuing an education, so I will use some of the funds to pay for their tuition fees as well."
Chepkirui's family
access_time 2 years ago
Chepkirui received a $431 second payment.
"I had to demolish the old hut and relocate all kitchen activities to the new space after constructing a decent kitchen with a portion of the first transfer. Because of its space and ease of cleaning, it has since served my family of five well. It was my intention to build another better family house, so when I received the second transfer, I spent $486 on 36 iron sheets. I have not begun construction yet because I am still saving for other construction materials as well as some extra money to cover labor costs. I also used some of the remaining funds to purchase some building poles worth $40 and foodstuff. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for their generous support, which has made it possible not only for me to transform my family, but also for other households in the village to do a lot with the money they received."
Hillary's family
access_time 2 years ago
Hillary received a second payment.
"GiveDirectly's support was transformative and beneficial to everyone. Everyone understood the entire process because the information conveyed to us during enrollment was clear. Those who were left out already knew their chances of enrollment were slim after hearing the explanations at the initial meetings. I am grateful and hope that other villages will follow suit."
Alice's family
access_time 2 years ago
Alice received a $431 second payment.
"GiveDirectly did an outstanding job in our village, as evidenced by a high level of information clarity and fairness in the enrollment process. Everyone is pleased that the process was not biased and that it gave everyone a fair chance by visiting every household and listening to every village member. I, like everyone else in our village who received the transfer, have seen a lot of positive changes since receiving the money and am grateful to GiveDirectly for their generous support. Even though some villages were not enrolled, I am hopeful that they will be considered so that the cash transfers can improve their living conditions."
Chebet's family
access_time 2 years ago
Chebet received a $431 second payment.
"GiveDirectly did an excellent job in elevating many families out of poverty in the village. It was incredible that everyone had the opportunity to enroll in the program to receive a free cash transfer and then decide how to spend it. The approach was so straightforward and satisfying that no one was left out of the program for no apparent reason. I am optimistic that the program will be implemented successfully in all of the villages that were skipped."
Faith's family
access_time 2 years ago
Faith received a $431 second payment.
"The changes that have occurred in our village in a short period of time since the arrival of GiveDirectly are remarkable. Everyone is thrilled to be a part of the program, which provided us with a free cash transfer that we could spend however we saw fit. Everything was clear from the first meeting in the village, where we had the opportunity to ask questions and gain a thorough understanding of the program. While responding to all of our questions, the field officers were professional and respectful of everyone's ideas. I hope that other villages receive the same treatment from the start of enrollment to the receipt of transfers."
Moureen's family
access_time 2 years ago
Moureen received a second payment.
"The first thing I bought with the money I got from GiveDirectly was an oven for my business. This was a much-needed asset that enabled me to expand my business. I also bought a boda boda. I hired someone to run it, and it serves the Kilifi area. This has greatly supplemented my husband's $150-per-month salary as a cleaner on Chale Island, as well as a $60-per-month house allowance. The bread and scones I bake at home sell for $0.05 and $0.5 each, respectively, which contributes to the little money I make sewing clothes for all sexes and ages in my Migodomoni neighborhood. The money we earn has enabled us to cater for our eldest in Grade 3, whose tuition is $9.4 per term, and our second born's tuition of $13.5 for his attendance in PP1 at Migodomoni School, where they both go. GiveDirectly enabled us to channel funds into projects that had long been on our radar but that we were unable to fundraise for on our own. We will be eternally grateful to GiveDirectly for their generosity to me and my family."
Philister's family
access_time 2 years ago
Philister received a $431 second payment.
"The funds from GiveDirectly allowed me to build a 1-bedroom house with a verandah. My husband and I took the opportunity to also upgrade our bed to a bigger one. As a housewife with a one and a half-year-old,, living with my mother-in-law was a strain on our relationship, and with the $90 my husband makes from casual jobs on construction sites, it would have been impossible for us to manage to move out and build a house for ourselves within a similar period to that which GiveDirectly transfers allowed us to. The remainder of the funds went to ensuring that our house was running smoothly by buying food and the like to keep us going. GiveDirectly has been such a blessing to me and my household that we lack the words to express just how much."
Riziki's family
access_time 2 years ago
Riziki received a $28 tenth payment.
"I plan to own at least 8 goats by the end of the year. Aside from that, I purpose to buy at least two chickens through every cash transfer. The reason for rearing this livestock is to have enough to sell and raise money for the school fees of my six children and support my husband. The little he makes while working at a bakery is hardly enough to buy food and cover school fees for our children as well. My wish is to relieve him of that burden."