GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Helena's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Helena received a $235 fourth payment.
"Givedirectly is helping us financially and making us self dependent"
Mohammed's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Mohammed received a $27 sixth payment.
"With the current homemade toothbrush business I have been doing in the community, which earns me at least $5 per day, I hope to keep adding the stock, even though they are currently hard to come by because most of the trees are slowly drying up due to the current adverse drought. I expect to save extra income from my daily proceeds in the coming year with the goal of acquiring a dairy cow. This will not only reduce the cost of milk but will also provide an additional source of income because I will sell the surplus milk to my immediate neighbors and make enough profit that will be able to sustain my family."
Mwambire's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Mwambire received a $27 tenth payment.
"I currently construct people's houses and get paid $10 a day after a long day of struggle at work. I did not complete my studies because of my parents inability to take me to school because they were financially unstable.The only goal I have right now is to ensure that my children are in school busy studying and graduate from school with better grades. The lives of our future leaders are in our hands and I believe when my children get good jobs in future, they will remember all the sacrifices I did for them and pay back with taking care of me and opening for me a business that I will be operating."
Tabu's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Tabu received a $27 sixth payment.
"The only thing I have ever desired to own are goats. I love the fact that with goats, it's easier to take care of them and for them to easily multiply. The moment I received my transfers, I was able to buy two goats and it really made me feel good. It made me have that desire of wanting to have as many goats as possible so that I will be selling them out whenever I face any difficulties in life. I believe that it's better to invest in something that will help you in future rather than not investing at all."
Changawa's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Changawa received a $27 fourteenth payment.
"We have not experienced rain for nearly five years. All plants and wells have dried up, making it difficult to even procure food.The money we get we usually think of getting food to sustain ourselves. The only thing I pray for is that it rains so that I will be able to save enough money and start my own business. The fact that it is not raining, is limiting my saving policy and hence delaying my business plan. I want to open a big shop where I will be selling flour, drinks and even clothes to deal with a variety of products and ensure I make enough profit to support my family and keep it moving."
Ali's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Ali received a $27 sixth payment.
"I am convinced that no matter how little work we put into our business the results will be fantastic. I put a lot of effort into saving money so that I might establish my own poultry farm. I have so far purchased seven chickens and I am confident that they will hatch, allowing me to sell them and purchase additional chicken. In order to save enough money, I will continue with my construction skills and ensure I do it perfectly."
Changawa's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Changawa received a $27 sixth payment.
"I believe every little effort we give into our business, the output will be great. I am really working hard so as to be able to save enough and start my own poultry farm. Ever since I was a child, I have had a vision of being great and to be great one has to do something unique. I have so far bought thirty chicken and I believe it will hatch and I will be able to sell them and buy more chicken. Through buying and selling of chicken I was able to buy at least four goats that are giving me pride. I also joined a merry go round last month so as to save enough and take loans when needs arise to buy more chicken and sell them. I have been able to make more profits and I believe I will make more and more in days to come."
Rehema's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Rehema received a $27 fourteenth payment.
"Despite the fact that I have a lot of goals for my family, I hope to focus on livestock farming in the coming year. I currently have a goat and would like to add more as well as invest in poultry farming. I will gradually save money on eggs and goat offspring from livestock farming, which will come in handy when starting the construction of a new house. My family is growing, and I would like my children to have their own private space in the future, where they will not have to sleep in their neighbors' houses. Because I am earning a consistent income from my food business, I will set aside a portion of the transfers for the long-term goal of building a new house."
Victor's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Victor received a $349 second payment.
"Being trusted enough with unconditional cash to manage it myself was a very inspirational move made by Give Directly. A lot of us have had the confidence to do business however small to support our families."
Jumwa's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Jumwa received a $411 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did a great job by coming to our village and helping the poorest individuals. The idea of giving out unconditional cash transfers was the best since I had the privilege to choose what to purchase. Also, the enrolment was free, and no discrimination was observed. Therefore, I do not see the need to change their operating style as they move to the next village. "