GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"Upon getting the first transfer, I had already planned how to spend the money. Renovating my house was the priority. Since it was a mud-walled house, the poles had been damaged by termites and I wanted to build some pillars all around the house to make it firmer. Therefore, when I withdrew the money, I bought 12 bags of cement for $78, hard corals plus transport for $60, and the labor cost was $56. Thereafter, I decided to settle some school fee arrears for my four primary school children. In that case, I paid $76. As of now, they have cleared all the arrears plus the current term fees. I also opted to buy a grill door for my house for security purposes. The door cost $70. After that, I bought a mattress for $55 and two bales of maize flour for $48. I did this to ensure there is food security at home. Using the remaining amount, I bought five goats to kick-start a livestock farming investment. I opted to invest in goats because they are cheaper compared to cows and they have ready markets."
View Farida's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"What an evening it was to a divorced mother of eight children! It was around 4 pm when I was almost closing my tailoring business to leave for home to hook up with my children in time before it was too late I received a message on my phone. I immediately checked before closing. In my astonishment, my eyes reflected on a huge figure of $550. There and then, my senses came back and remembered that GiveDirectly had promised us the same. Due to happiness, I did not read to the end of the message since I knew it was from GiveDirectly. I left for home full of strength forgetting the day's stress that I had gone through."
View Christine's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"I bought a bale of maize flour costing $24. The rest of the transfers we used on school shopping for my 2 children who were both joining high school. My daughter's shopping cost $230 while my son's cost $180. We appreciate we had no means or idea where the money would come from. I was left with some little balance that I bought clothes with."
View Kasichana's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"I am a farmer, but because of the drought, we don't have enough food to sustain us. This year, I want to start a business to provide me with a second source of income. I've already picked out the location where I want to build a kiosk and sell "chapati" and tea. It is a business that moves quickly and doesn't need a lot of capital to get started. I hope to have begun it in five months and then increase it with the transfers I will be receiving in the upcoming months. It will be easier for us to meet our family necessities due to the profits from it."
View Rehema's
2 years ago
received a sixth payment.
"We have been using some old garments on the floor as bedding because we were unable to acquire suitable bedding due to the financial difficulties we were experiencing. Sleeping on the ground is uncomfortable and unhealthy, especially given the regular physical aches we get when we wake up in the morning. Consequently, I want to do better at sleeping this year. In order to accomplish this, I will set up money each month in order to purchase a bed, mattress, and blanket before the end of the year. After accomplishing this, hopefully, I'll start buying hens to raise and eventually sell to raise money for our family's daily expenses."
View Dama's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I want to transform my enterprise from its current state as a retail store into a wholesale store by the end of the year. To do this, I've already started setting aside $20 each month in a savings group with 25 other people, where members rotate receiving shares on a monthly basis. I'm hoping to use the $500 in shares I'll receive by December to accomplish the goal. With wholesale, I will have a wider selection of goods, which will appeal to more consumers, resulting in greater sales and, consequently, higher income."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"The two biggest issues I'm now facing and hope to resolve by the end of the year are food insecurity and a nicer home. I live in a one-room, mud-walled house with grass thatch roof. Due to the current drought, there is a current shortage of grass, and the few that are available are exceedingly expensive, just like food. I used to be able to sell charcoal for less money because it was my only source of income. I won't be eager to sell them now that I have the monthly funds as extra income. I'll be transporting them out from the village to other markets where the prices are good and burning them in large quantities instead. While the monthly transfers will mostly be used to pay for food and school expenditures, the earnings I will receive from the charcoal will be utilized to support the construction of a new house."
View Changawa's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"My main priority is making sure my children can continue their education, especially since they frequently get kicked out of school when I don't pay the fees. That is why I intend to use this year's transfers to try and pay off the remaining sum on the fees my children will owe. Additionally, using the money I continue to get from the organization, I have so far been able to purchase three goats. So I'll be purchasing a few more. Atop my list of priorities is finding nutrition, especially now that starvation has been caused by bad harvest due to a drought."
View Gona's
2 years ago
received a tenth payment.
"Once I complete college, I have two primary goals that I will strive to accomplish. Since I already have a house, though grass thatched, my first goal is to build an iron-roofed spacious house. It costs me to maintain the current house because it requires frequent repairs. I do not have any income, so this has been unsustainable for me. Second, I want to raise livestock, especially domesticated birds, cows, and goats. I consider livestock keeping a viable venture that can earn good returns after a given period. They are beneficial and can help me to raise some money should I sell them in the future."
View Kadhengi's
2 years ago
received a $244 third payment.
"I used four thousand five hundred Liberian Dollars to purchase three packs of nails for my new house project. I saved twenty nine thousand Liberian Dollars to saw assorted planks for the house project. Workmanship will also come from the money I saved for the planks. I decided to build my own house because my stepfather who is the owner of the current place I stay constantly embarrasses me to leave his house. Moving to my own place with the help of GiveDirectly will totally change my life and bring me peace."
View Blessing's