GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Sylvester's family
access_time 2 years ago
Sylvester received a $240 second payment.
"Givedirectly is helping us alleviate poverty"
Nyonnio's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyonnio received a $240 third payment.
"I spent most of my third transfer on paying my children's tuition in Monrovia and also paid the workmanship for my house."
Mateso's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mateso received a $427 second payment.
"Upon getting the second transfer, I opted to invest by buying some cows. I bought two mature cows for $400. I chose cows since I knew I would get some milk not only for family use but also for sale. Through selling, I would make some money to sustain my family because I was projecting an estimate of forty liters per day and a liter goes for $0.5. Since it was a drought season, I used the remaining amount in buying some food for my family. Unfortunately, the cows died of drought one month after buying them."
Katsuheni's family
access_time 2 years ago
Katsuheni received a $427 second payment.
"GiveDirectly has uplifted the lives of many community members and ensured that they move out of the pathetic situations they were in. On my side, I had never dreamt of having a livestock investment in my life but GiveDirectly enabled me. I am also thankful because the organization empowered me to get an investment. All these could not be possible if it were not for GiveDirectly. So far, I cannot fault GiveDirectly because I am satisfied that it does well and it did commendable work."
Kadzo's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kadzo received a $214 second payment.
"GiveDirectly is a unique organization that is devoted to uplifting the livelihood of people. Through the transfers which I received, I did things that seemed impossible because I had no money. Before getting the transfer, the children and I used to sleep on the floor since we did not have beds. It was pathetic. Currently, I am happy since they sleep well in their beds. Using the first transfer, I managed to buy two beds and two mattresses for them. They are also very happy that they enjoy their sleep nowadays unlike before."
Dama's family
access_time 2 years ago
Dama received a $427 second payment.
"Currently, I have a goal of starting a shop business where I will be selling fast-moving commodities like a foodstuff. I chose this kind of business because it has less competition since it is a handful of people who are doing it in our area. The aim of this business is income generation because making and selling charcoals has become unreliable due to the scarcity of trees in our area. Before the first quarter of this year elapses, I would like to have flagged off the business."
Jumwa's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jumwa received a $427 second payment.
"When I received the second transfer, I first bought a bed and a mattress for $200. I opted for this because the bed I had was very small and could not accommodate me with my two grandchildren who I used to sleep with. This allowed me to be sleeping with the girl grandchild and gave the small bed to the male grandchild. I stay with them because they are from a single mother who went to town to fend for them. Thereafter, I bought a solar panel for $90. I did this so that I could have some light at my home. Initially, I used to make a huge fire for us as a family to get some light at night. As of now, my home has a good lighting system courtesy of GiveDirectly. After that, I bought a sack of maize for $70 to ensure there is food security at home. Using the remaining amount of money I renovated my house by constructing some pillars to make it firm since the poles were destroyed by termites. I am happy that I nowadays sleep well and comfortably unlike before."
Kahaso's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kahaso received a $427 second payment.
"Before withdrawing the second transfer, I sat to prioritize how best I could spend it. After constructive thinking, I opted to invest the whole amount into my daughter's education since she was joining the university. Since my husband and I are casual laborers we could not manage to take her to the university. Therefore, we saw that was a prudent idea to pay the whole amount to the school to get ample time to source for the next semester's fee. I am happy that she is settled comfortably in the university. After doing so, I felt relieved and I had peace of mind."
Jumwa's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jumwa received a $427 second payment.
"I currently have a plan that I am committed to seeing through. I had started a mud-walled rental house which stopped after completing the perimeter wall due to lack of funds. Therefore once I get some money I aim to complete the construction. I am pretty sure that this business will work out well for me since rental houses are scarce yet they are in demand in our area."
Francis's family
access_time 2 years ago
Francis received a $427 second payment.
"My lifelong ambition is to open a furniture store. Begin the process from the ground up by sourcing my own wood, hiring my own artisans to create beautiful furniture, marketing and selling it myself. I'm confident that by doing so, I'll be able to provide a better life for my children."