GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Lydia's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Lydia received a $244 fourth payment.
"I have planned to use some of my last transfer to buy my house materials and also keep the balance which will be used to provide my everyday meal."
Justin's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Justin received a fourth payment.
"To live in a descent house has always been my dream until receiving this money from GiveDirectly. It's my hope that I will used this money to fix my house."
Macbeth's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Macbeth received a $244 fourth payment.
"GiveDirectly is doing good by giving me free money and encouraging me to spend it wisely. Moreover, GiveDirectly staffs usually talk to me in a polite manner and they can't select among town's dwellers."
Samuel's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Samuel received a $244 third payment.
"I am a 42 years old man with 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. My famil and I live in a single room. Many at times I really feel ashame. I haven't been able to do anything because of my current economic condition. With the help of the unconditional cash grant given by GiveDirectly, I have started the construction of a three bedrooms house for my family and I. This will bring a great relief to my family and I. My kids will now have their rooms while my wife and I will have our room."
Rebecca's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Rebecca received a $244 third payment.
"Some other institutions staffs would collect bribe to benefit from a project, but GiveDirectly's staffs enroll recipients in an impartial way. Next is they do not take advantage of the assistance they are rendering us to talk to recipients in a harsh manner, they are always polite."
Regina's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Regina received a $244 fourth payment.
"I hope to increase the size of my farm. I want to hire more people to enlarge my farm. Enlarging the farm will help me generate more money. Proceed generated from the products of the farm, will be used to complete our house we have already started."
Vickey's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Vickey received a $244 fourth payment.
"Currently, my spouse and I are engaged in to subsistence farming farming, the work is very physical and proceed generated from the products isn't sufficient for the family's need, I am hopeful of starting a business by next year. The business will help reduce some of the financial constraint my family go through."
Marjay's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Marjay received a $244 third payment.
"My mother was seriously ill and needed medical treatment, I used portion of the money for her medical bills. I also used portion of the money to pay my kids school fees.This money came at the appropriate time as the school authority was about to send students home for tuition."
Johnson's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Johnson received a $244 fourth payment.
"Give Directly allows us to make our own decision on what to use to money on, the staffs talk to people in a polite manner, the staffs don't accept bribe everyone is treated in an impartial manner. I only want to recommend that the organization find a shorter distance for sim card registration. We have to walk 2 hours to have our sims register."
Babygirl's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Babygirl received a $244 fourth payment.
"I am a 9th grade dropout, I dropped out of high school due to the lack of financial support. I am currently involved in to business. I hope of educating my siblings and my children in the coming years. I know what it's like not being educated. If my kids and siblings are educated, they will contribute to society in a more meaningful way."